
Acute Manpower Crisis Hits Handloom And Textiles Department

Sentinel Digital Desk


GUWAHATI: The Handloom and Textiles Department is facing an acute manpower crisis. As a result, implementation of a number of schemes meant for the State weavers are in the doldrums. Revealing this to The Sentinel, a department source said that as on June 30, 2019, the department has 364 vacancies in 76 categories right from the post of Joint Director to that of fourth-grade employees. In grade-I, of the sanctioned five Joint Director (Handloom & Textiles) posts, four are vacant. None has been appointed in the lone sanctioned posts each of a Deputy Registrar (Cooperative), a Textile Chemist and also of an Assistant Executive Engineer.

Among the grade-II posts, only seven Sub Registrars (Cooperative) are handling the affairs as against the 17 sanctioned posts. Mention may be made also of three vacant posts of Handloom Officer.

The maximum vacant posts of 251 are in the third grade including 95 Junior Inspectors/Auditors against 103 sanctioned posts. The Junior Inspectors/Auditors look after the inspection of approximately 2,000 Weavers Cooperative Societies in the State. Moreover, the other vacant posts in this grade are 33 demonstrators; 18 LDAs (HQ); 16 Upper Division Assistants or UDAs (District/Subdivision); and 43 Lower Division Assistants or LDAs (District/Subdivision). Besides, only two Master Dyers are working as against the six sanctioned posts. Moreover, six Master Weaver posts are vacant as against the sanctioned 19 posts while the lone posts each of Statistical Officer, Art Designer, Tracer (HQ), and Junior Divisional Assistant (Hills) are also lying vacant. Besides, there are 77 vacant posts in Grade-IV.