
AJP levels 'grand allegations' against PM Narendra Modi

Sentinel Digital Desk


GUWAHATI: Ahead of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's State visit, the AJP (Asom Jatiya Parishad) has levelled 'grand allegations' against Prime Minister (PM) Narendra Modi for 'betraying' the people of Assam.

Addressing the media on Friday, AJP president Lurinjyoti Gogoi underlined that the PM made several 'fake promises' during his Assam visits.

"We demand answers from the PM against the grand allegations that we have levelled. The BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party) came to power by promising to implement the Assam Accord word by word. However, after coming to power they disrespected the Assam Accord. The PM said that the Bangladeshi immigrants who came to Assam after May 16, 2014 will have to pack their belongings and leave the State. But how many Bangladeshis were deported? The PM should release a list with the names of the foreigners who were deported after May 16, 2014," said Gogoi.

Further, the leader alleged that the BJP-led government has 'murdered' the Clause V of the Assam Accord.

"Clause V states that the immigrants who came to Assam after March 25, 1971 will be deported. But instead the CAA (Citizenship Amendment Act) was implemented to give a red carpet welcome to the Bangladeshis who came to the State before December 31, 2014. Despite forming a high-level committee for the implementation of Clause VI, the Government didn't accept the recommendations given by it. The PM should make his stand clear regarding the Clause VI. On the other hand, the NRC was done to identify and deport foreigners, but the Government didn't act responsibly to complete the process," lamented Gogoi.