
Citizens hope for reforms and progress in Guwahati

Sentinel Digital Desk


GUWAHATI: Citizens across Guwahati express their anticipation for changes and advancements in key areas of concern. One of the middle-aged residents expresses that development initiatives often overlook the middle class and fail to address the needs of all strata of society.

A concerned citizen, representing the aspirations of many, highlighted the prevalent disparity in development schemes, emphasizing their disproportionate focus on the rich and the poor. The call for inclusivity resonates strongly, urging the government to consider provisions that cater to the middle-class populace, whose contributions and aspirations are often sidelined in the discourse of progress.

A student articulates the pressing need for reforms in fee structures within educational institutions. This plea focuses on the significance of equitable access to quality education, advocating for measures that alleviate the financial burden on students and their families.

Meanwhile, residents of Guwahati voice their grievances regarding the inadequacy of healthcare facilities, particularly in government hospitals other than the Gauhati Medical College and Hospital (GMCH). Concerns are raised over the lack of essential amenities, questioning why other public hospitals fail to match the standards and demand for improved healthcare infrastructure, reflecting the dire necessity for accessible and efficient medical services across all areas.

Infrastructure woes also loom large in the public consciousness, with citizens demanding better roads and solutions to mitigate the recurrent menace of flash floods. The impact of inadequate infrastructure on daily lives underscores the urgency for comprehensive development initiatives that address these persistent challenges head-on.

In addition to these pressing concerns, basic amenities like proper sanitation facilities remain a priority for residents. A call for the provision of adequate toilets and amenities reflects the fundamental need for better living conditions in society.

The youth of Guwahati appeal to the government for enhanced employment opportunities across various sectors. Additionally, calls for supportive schemes to support entrepreneurship and small businesses among aspiring entrepreneurs highlight the role of economic empowerment in fostering sustainable growth and prosperity.

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