
Don't club all Muslims together: Sadou Asom Goria-Moria-Deshi Parishad

Sentinel Digital Desk

Minority certificates to six communities


GUWAHATI: The Sadou Asom Goria-Moria-Deshi Parishad has expressed dissatisfaction over the Assam Government's decision to provide minority certificates to six communities — Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains and Parsis. The government took this decision during a meeting of the State Cabinet held recently.

Addressing a press conference in the city on Tuesday, Sadou Asom Goria-Moria-Deshi Parishad working president Nurul Haque and joint general secretary Sahid Ali Ahmed said, "Despite the ethnic identity of the Goria, Moria and Deshi community people, it is unfortunate that the government decided to provide them minority certificates."

They further said that the government has decided to give minority certificates to Muslims of Assam but did not specify which Muslims. "Followers of Islam or Muslims are of three categories in Assam - indigenous, outsiders and immigrants. It is our appeal to the government not to club all Muslims together while giving minority certificates," said the Sadou Asom Goria-Moria-Deshi Parishad leaders.

They added, "The Goria, Moria and Deshi Muslims of Assam do not want minority certificates. Instead, they want separate survey to be recognized as ethnic community. Only then will the identity and interests of the indigenous Muslims of Assam be protected."

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