
Guwahati city Police Commissioner: No external factor involved in Ramen Baruah missing

Sentinel Digital Desk

 Staff Reporter

Guwahati: Guwahati Police Commissioner Diganta Barah mentioned that a preliminary investigation regarding the incident of Ramen Baruah going missing has revealed that whatever has happened was on his own and no foul play has been involved in his missing. He also added that the investigation pointed the possibility of him going into the Brahmaputra River. 

Diganta Barah mentioned that following the report filed by the family members regarding Ramen Baruah going missing on Monday morning, Guwahati Police carried out an investigation into the matter. He mentioned that CCTV cameras located in the region captured him going towards the river, but no footage was there showing him coming back towards the High Court from the river bank. He added that there was no suspicious activity occurring in the location, denying involvement of any foul play in the whole incident. He also mentioned that Baruah had been noticed by other people as well in the locality. Diganta Barah also added that when sniffer dogs were pressed into service, they too pointed to him going towards the river. 

He, however, added that no items or personnel belongings were recovered from the banks of the river during the investigation. He also added that when his mobile phone was tracked, the last known location was tracked to the area behind the High Court building on the banks of the river. Diganta Barah said that although he hoped that Ramen Baruah was alright and would soon safely return home, police teams and SDRF have initiated search operations at various locations on the banks of the Brahmaputra river located downstream from Guwahati.

Diganta Barah also mentioned that interaction with multiple family members hinted at the possibility of mental pressure, which could have led to an accident while he had visited the river bank; however, the proof recovered by the police as of now pointed out to the lack of any external person or foul play in his suddenly going missing on Monday morning. 

 Also Read: Guwahati: Popular Musician Ramen Baruah Goes Missing; Zubeen Garg Teams Up With Cops To Find Him (

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