
Guwahati: Dispur College organizes Indo-Bhutan cultural exchange programme

Sentinel Digital Desk

Guwahati: Dispur College, in association with the Bhutan India Friendship Association (BIFA), organised a cultural exchange programme at Samdrup Jhankhar Higher Secondary School in Bhutan on April 10 as part of the MoU between BIFA and Dispur College. The programme was organised by programme secretary Aapchi and BIFA Secretary David Boro, Mandip Basumatary, and Pranab Narzary.

The event started with Buddhist chanting rituals, the offering of a butter lamp, marching, zhabten, and singing of the national anthem of both Bhutan and India. The principal of Samdrup Jhankhar HS School, Kesang Tshering, delivered the welcome address. Sangay Chedup, District Judge, Drangpon Dzongkhag Administration SJ, said in his inaugural speech that this kind of programme strengthens the relationship between the countries and acquaints the students with the education and culture of both nations. He congratulated one of the best schools of the Bhutan Government, SJ MSS, and one of the leading colleges, Assam Dispur College, for the arrangement of such programs. Referring to the software CEO’s of India abroad, Sundar Pichai, Satya Nadela, Santanu Narayan, Nil Mohan, etc., he felt proud of the neighbouring country, India, and also facilitated ongoing peopleto-ppeople contact and fostered cooperation between educational institutions. Mr.Thinley Namgay. Mayor of SJ Municipality, Mr. Dorji Gyeltshen P, Executive Secretary of SJ Municipality, was also present. Speaking on the occasion, Principal Dispur College Dr. Nabajyoti Bora said that the exchange programme is part of our ongoing efforts to foster cultural exchange and broaden our horizons, and it presents a wonderful opportunity for us not only to showcase different cultures but also to build meaningful connections with our counterparts. The cultural event was anchored by Mrs. Peldon, Sr. Teacher and HoD, English; Mr. Nado Rinchen, English teacher and non-academic secretary, SJHSS; and Dr. Sanjib Kumar Sarma, HoD, English, of Dispur College. The event featured Cham dance and other traditional dance forms of Bhutan, a rendition of Dr. Bhupen Hazarika’s song, Bodo dance, Karbi dance, and Satroya dance, followed by Bihu dance. An exhibition of ethnic products was also displayed by SJHSS students that showcased the intricate heritage of the country. Dr. Sunita Agarwalla, Vice Principal, Dr. Sashi Mohan Das, Dr. Mathur Barman, Mrs. Indrani Choudhury Mahanta, Dr. Jyotish Goswami, Dr. Sikha Deka, Dr. Smrirti Deuri, and Mrs. Pallavi Kashyap, the faculties of Dispur College, including 90 students and 33 teachers of SJHSS, and 317 students attended the event, a press release said.

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