
Lokpriyo Gopinath Bordoloi International Airport get its first electric vehicle Tug

Sentinel Digital Desk

GUWAHATI : Lokpriyo Gopinath Bordoloi International Airport , the largest airport in the northeastern part of the country, launched its first electric vehicle tug to handle ground operations on the occasion of World Environment Day.

The first airline to use the service is Indigo, which is following the mandate by the authorities of the Guwahati airport to replace all possible conventional fuel-based vehicles with electrical ones within the shortest time possible. The chief airport officer asked all stakeholders to take the necessary action as soon as possible and mentioned that the upcoming New Integrated Terminal Building, which is expected to be operational towards the end of 2024, will incorporate several environmentally friendly features towards making the airport completely carbon neutral.

A tree plantation programme and a drawing competition were also organized as part of the World Environment Day event.

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