
Meeting discuss ways to help mobile theatres tide over COVID crisis

Sentinel Digital Desk

 Appeal to government to increase financial assistance

 Joint team to meet CM soon


GUWAHATI: The COVID-19 pandemic has hit hard the mobile theatres of the State. For two years now, mobile theatres have not been able to do shows. This has thrown theatre producers, artistes and artisans out of livelihood, many of who have been pushed to a life of penury.

With the objective of discussing ways to infuse life into the dying mobile theatres of the State and to bring back their good days, a meeting was held in Guwahati on Sunday between the Asom Jatiyatabadi Yuba Chatra Parishad (AJYCP) and the All Assam Mobile Theatre Producers' Association.

The meeting adopted three resolutions. AJYCP general secretary Palash Changmai said, "The Sarbananda Sonowal government had announced to release Rs 10-lakh financial assistance for mobile theatres of the State. This money has not been released as yet. We urge the government to increase the financial assistance to at least Rs 25 lakh. We also appeal to the government that once the COVID situation improves, steps should be taken to give mobile theatres the opportunity to stage shows."

If lockdown regulations are relaxed from September 1, the meeting unanimously decided to appeal to the government to allow mobile theatres to rehearse and prepare for staging shows across the State.

The meeting also decided that if lockdown regulations are relaxed and mobile theatres want to stage shows while follwoing all rules and regulations, the regional committees of AJYCP will ensure that every mobile theatre gets to stage at least 5 shows.

"It was also decided that a joint team will be formed which will meet the Chief Minister to discuss with him ways to bring the mobile theatres of the State back in business," said Changmai. All Assam Mobile Theatre Producers' Association president Nazrul Islam was also present in the meeting.

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