
Minimization of single-use plastic usage emphasized

Sentinel Digital Desk


GUWAHATI: In an attempt to spread awareness about the environmental problems created by plastic pollution, Guwahati Foodie, one of the biggest food-related communities of northeast India organised a green picnic on Sunday. Over thirty people from various walks of life including doctors, chefs, restauranteurs, students, businessmen and even a few children accompanying their parents participated in this gathering organised near the Chandubi Lake.

Named the Summer Picnic 2023 of Guwahati Foodie, the highlight of this event was the complete lack of use of any single-use plastic material. Food was served on locally sourced banana leaves and tumblers made from bamboo were used as glasses. No thermocol or plastic plates or glasses were used. A wide range of delectable local cuisines were served to the participants throughout the day. At the end of the day, each of the participants was gifted saplings of fruit-bearing plants including guava, mango and orange by the organisers.

The owner of Guwahati Foodie and organizer of the event mentioned, “We want to promote the use of locally available bio-degradable materials among the masses and inspire people to plant more and more trees to protect the fragile ecosystem.”

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