
Seeking Fitra and Zakat posing a coronavirus threat!

Sentinel Digital Desk

Staff Reporter

GUWAHATI: The Islamic practice of Zakat and Fitra in the month Ramzan when the COVID-19 lockdown has been imposed in Assam and elsewhere in the country is viewed by many as a threat to the spread of coronavirus in Guwahati.

While Zakat is the payment made under Islamic law on certain kinds of property and used for a charitable purpose, Fitr is a charity taken for the poor during the holy month of Ramzan.

It is seen in Guwahati that some poor women have been seeking Fitra door-to-door in the Hatigaon and Sijubari areas these days, violating the COVID-19 guidelines. Groups of poor women are seen in Guwahati near various masjids in the State. This practice is fraught with the risk of spread of coronavirus.

When sought for his comment on this serious matter, Assam Minority Development Board (AMDB) Chairman Muminul Aowal said, “Poor people going door-to-door in the city area seeking Fitra and Zakat in the month of Ramzan has come to light. This poses a serious corona threat to the people of the city. If the local administration doesn’t take any worthwhile action now, the situation may turn for the worse. Masjid committees, Muftis and Maulanas should play a crucial role at this juncture. Since the Masjid committees know the poor people in their respective areas, they should make arrangements so that such poor people don’t have to come out of their houses violating the lockdown. The masjid committees know it well the poor people in their areas and who should get Fitra and Zakat. They should find out ways and means to give zakat and fitra without violating social distancing and lockdown rules.”