
Uncontrolled increase in drug addiction among child beggars

Sentinel Digital Desk


GUWAHATI: There are children on the streets with torn clothes, begging in the streets or at the signals. Despite the government’s war against drugs, drug addiction among children, who are mostly from slums, is steadily engulfing them.

One of the street food vendors at Cotton University said, "We almost find these kids every day in our area, asking for money. When we refuse to give them money and, in return, we give them food, they refuse to take the latter. The money they get is used to buy dendrites and other stuff, and they usually carry a handkerchief. These kids usually come in seven to eight groups, each with two to three members. They beg along with their younger siblings to earn more sympathy, and some people do pay them in benevolence. When asked about their family, they usually say they are orphans or, at the very least, do not reside with their family."

These kids are usually found in the Fancy Bazar colony. Commerce points, traffic signals, and various busy areas. A college student said, "We have tried various ways of not giving alms to these kids, but at times, these kids turn out to be very rude. There are NGOs that should work on this matter. They should rescue these kids and take necessary actions."

Further, "the police should also look into this matter with the authorities of the NGOs and work on it. The kids are into this habit of taking drugs, and this is a serious issue. Not only the peddlers should be arrested, but rescuing these children should also be a priority."

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