Guwahati Today

Information centre bespeaks GU condition!

Sentinel Digital Desk

 By our Staff Reporter

GUWAHATI, Aug 19: The Information Centre of Gauhati University, the premier university in the Northeast, itself is a ‘mine of information’ that deserves hitting headlines. 
What information the centre can provide to the student community all over the world can be guessed at ease, even by those who are learned only from university of life.  
The structure seen as the information centre of the university was erected during the British Raj at a posh area, Ambari on GNB Road in Guwahati. The look of the centre bespeaks its poor upkeep by the university. It is a ramshackle structure. A look at the structure from outside lets one know that the house is not fit to keep anything valuable inside, safely. The entire area looks like a low-land. A spell of rain is enough to inundate the structure. The four walls of the structure still bear testimony to the fact that it is inundated when it rains. The walls have a distinct mark all around indicating the level of water reaching them when there are water-logging in the city. Along with the furniture, woodworks like doors and windows of the structure are also on the verge of collapse. 
Sources say that the centre was able to sell different forms worth Rs 5 lakh last year. “However, with the system being online, this centre has little works to do now. Earlier all information regarding admission, selection list, migration forms etc., were issued from here. Nowadays all such information are available online. This has lessened pressure on us to a great extent. We did dissemite all information regarding IDOL earlier. However, we don’t deal with them now,” the sources said.
The sources further said: “The GU authorities did ask us to let it know the problems afflicting this centre. We did submit our problems. However, they’re yet to be addressed by the University authority. Even we’ve not received power bills from the University for the past two years. Though we’ve heard about erecting a building afresh, we’re not fully au fait with it”.