
77% firms globally investing in artificial intelligence (AI): Report

Sentinel Digital Desk

NEW DELHI: As 67 per cent of organisations globally have incorporated quality engineering (QE) at the core of their business operations, about 77 per cent of firms are investing in artificial intelligence (AI) solutions to bolster their QE, a new report said on Friday.

According to the report published by Capgemini, Sogeti, and OpenText, organisations cite for the first time, higher productivity as the primary outcome driven by AI (65 per cent).

Respondents stated that employing AI to increase test reliability (33 per cent) and reduce the number of faults (29 per cent) was no longer their top emphasis, suggesting a shift in the testing philosophy, with an increased tolerance for defects as long as they can be fixed quickly and efficiently.

“As the findings in the World Quality Report demonstrate, 77 per cent of businesses understand this and are making investments to make AI a critical part of their quality engineering infrastructure,” said Muhi Majzoub, Chief Product Officer, OpenText. “AI’s impact will extend beyond investors and customers to provide profound economic, social and environmental benefits as well,” he added. The report also confirmed sustainable IT as an increasing interest area for quality teams.

The vast majority (97 per cent) think that QE is an active element in driving the sustainability agenda in their organisation, and over half (55 per cent) highlighted the benefits of the environmental aspect of sustainable IT.

Over 70 per cent of organisations cited that they value a central Testing Center of Excellence (TCoE) over traditional project-level QA practices. (IANS)

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