
Godfrey Phillips: KK Modi in talks with family on sale of assets

Sentinel Digital Desk

New Delhi: After differences among members of the KK Modi Family Trust on the sale of assets came out in the open earlier this week, there seems to be some truce among the family members as Lalit Modi, in his latest statement has said that the family is in talks for a solution in the matter to safeguard the interest of the shareholders.

The statement gains significance as it comes as a toned-down version from the UK-based businessman, who publicly opposed the Godfrey Phillips India’s official stand that there are no talks of stake sale and called the denial a lie.

He, rather said on Monday that all the assets of the K.K. Modi Family Trust are up for sale.

“While the family does not want to enter into a discussion in the public domain, what needs to be clearly understood is that all family members are working on a solution to safeguard the interest of all shareholders,” a statement from Lalit Modi said. (IANS)