
Acid attack and its consequences

Sentinel Digital Desk

Shahin Ahmed

(The writer can be reached at sha32779@nluassam.ac.in)

Acid attack is the deliberate use of acid to attack another person. The victims of acid attack are mostly women and children. These cases are supposedly to be dealt in fast-track courts but the process of justice in such cases is relatively slow, leaving the victims exhaustive and relinquishing it in midway.

A survivor of an acid attack, Rita (name changed) was barely 17 when on her way to volleyball practice in Rohtak, Haryana, her cousin allegedly hired two men to throw acid on her face on May 26, 2012. The 39-year-old cousin was 22 years older to Rita. He was in love with her. "He once told me that if I wasn't his maternal uncle's daughter, he would have eloped with me," recounts Rita. She suffered 45 per cent burns on her body and 90 per cent on her face – her left eye continues to be disfigured after the acid attack. In the last eight years, she has undergone 15 surgeries. She doesn't even know how many such surgeries she has to go through.

Acid attack has long lasting consequences. Survivors' life becomes a gutter. They become traumatized and embarrassed to walk out of their homes and carry out simple tasks. Even if they try to pursue a normal life, the society never treats them as normal beings. Acid attack rarely kills but causes severe physical, psychological and social scarring. The victims mainly face psychological effects like trauma, stress, frustration, fear and also suicidal plans. The psychological consequences are adverse in many instances rendering the survivors mentally retarded. The acid attack survivors face social isolation. They are ignored by their family and relatives usually taunt about their condition. They feel isolated and lonely. The society refuses to accept them and treat them like normal being.

Section 326 A of Indian Penal Code lays down the punishment for acid attack. The minimum punishment is ten years of imprisonment and it can be extended up to life imprisonment with fine. The main causes of acid attack are authoritative behaviour of males, gender gap and illiteracy. Acid attack can be eliminated from society by imposing strict punishment to perpetrators and by improving the judicial system of our country. The government, media and private agencies can play positive role to eradicate acid attack. Awareness need to be created among women about the Acid Control Act and Acid Prevention Act of 2010. The intent behind the acid attack is to disfigure the face and body of the victim permanently. The teenage girls are mostly victims of acid attack because of refusal of love proposal, revenge and family disputes. Our society is lacking the sense of belongingness which results in insecurity and unstable environment. Acid is embedded in the minds of the people. Unless and until the thoughts of the people are upgraded, acid won't be eradicated.