
Aerobic exercise

Sentinel Digital Desk

A healthy body gives us a healthy mind. We all want to become healthy and germs free or disease free. For that we need balance diet, practice aerobic exercise, like Yoga and maintain social distancing and use of sanitizer and covering of face with mask while going outside.

Yoga is the only science that helps us to attain all-round development – body, mind and soul. Practice of Yoga in our day-to-day life, not only improves physical and mental health and intellectual ability, but it also helps to improve our character and behaviour. During such pandemic situation, it is my believe that we need to improve our immunity system by practising Yoga in our daily life and side by side we have to do other physical exercise. That can be done in our own residence at early morning. Because in the present-day world, the diseases of psycho-somatic origin, like hyper-tension, heart diseases, asthma, diabetes, insomnia, COVID-19 are increasing very fast and modern medical science has failed to cure COVID-19 globally.

Due to hectic schedule, we are unable to spend our life for ourselves. If we re-schedule, our day-to-day routine and spend a few mind or hours for doing aerobic exercise or physical exercise for our own befit, definitely we can able to get rid of most of diseases.

Indrajit Sarma,

Chiring Chapori, Dibrugarh