
Drug-free Assam

Sentinel Digital Desk

Hitesh Kalita


In a tragic incident in late February 2022, the attention of conscious citizens in Assam was drawn to the untimely death of a 27-year-old man from Baksa district due to a drug overdose. His mother’s desperate plea to the Chief Minister of Assam revealed the heartbreaking struggle she faced in trying to steer her son away from drug addiction. Despite her tireless efforts and multiple attempts to dissuade him, the easy availability of drugs in their area thwarted her endeavours. Despite sending him to a rehabilitation centre for treatment, her son remained ensnared in the grip of addiction. In her poignant call to action, the grieving mother expressed not only her personal loss but also the collective anguish of mothers across Assam who fear losing their sons to the scourge of drugs. She urgently appealed to the government to address the pervasive drug threat in the state before it wreaks further havoc. Highlighting the rampant drug abuse and smuggling prevalent among the younger generation, she emphasized the urgent need for decisive action to safeguard the future of Assam’s youth. With a heavy heart and tears streaming down her face, she implored Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sharma to take immediate steps to eradicate the drug menace, underscoring the dire consequences of inaction. Her emotional plea serves as a stark reminder of the devastating toll of drug addiction on families and communities, urging swift and effective measures to combat this pressing issue and protect the well-being of Assam’s residents.

This plea does not come from a single childless parent, but from the sorrowful hearts of countless parents who have witnessed their children succumb to the grip of deadly drugs throughout the state. Thankfully, since assuming office, the Chief Minister of Assam, Himanta Biswa Sarma, has empathized deeply with the anguish of these unfortunate parents, sparking an unwavering and resolute crusade against drug abuse. Following the establishment of the government, the Finance Minister’s budget speech for 2021–22 underscored the administration’s commitment to combating the drug menace through two resolutions:

1. The youth represent the future of our nation, yet many are falling prey to the clutches of drug addiction, leading them towards a bleak and uncertain future.

2. Our government is steadfast in its commitment to combat this alarming trend. Under the leadership of the Chief Minister, a rigorous anti-drug campaign has been initiated, resulting in the seizure of narcotics and drugs worth Rs 135 crore in just a few months of the operation. In recognition of his integrity and valour during the operation, the nation’s home guard, Barsing Bey, has been appointed as a constable of the Assam Police. This marks only the beginning of our relentless efforts. The campaign will persist until the state achieves complete freedom from drugs. Furthermore, measures have been undertaken to establish a Narcotics Control Bureau in Assam, and we extend our gratitude to the Hon’ble Union Home Minister Amit Shah for his invaluable support and guidance in addressing this pressing crisis.

It’s a widely recognized fact that Guwahati has served as a pivotal transit point for the majority of drugs smuggled from the Golden Triangle region for quite some time. Assam has a significant history of drug trafficking, with narcotics originating from Laos, various East Asian countries, and Myanmar being illicitly transported through the northeastern states to different parts of the nation. This illicit trade involves numerous national and international entities, including banned organizations and agencies, with transactions amounting to thousands of crores of rupees. The region spanning Myanmar, Manipur, Mizoram, and Guwahati is regarded as the most prominent drug trafficking nexus, having been operational for several decades. Notably, drug trafficking through the northeastern states, particularly Guwahati, has seen a sharp rise in the past decade.

In response to this pressing issue, an app was launched on December 10, 2021, under the direct guidance and support of the Chief Minister of Assam, with the aim of eradicating drugs from the state entirely. Developed by the Criminal Investigation Department of the Assam Police in collaboration with the NIC, this app enables the public to report instances of drug sale, smuggling, storage, and consumption to the Assam Police. During the tenure of the Himanta Biswa Sharma-led state government, significant strides have been made in combating drug-related crimes. The Assam Police has registered more than 700 cases under the NDPS Act, apprehended more than 3,000 criminals, and seized narcotics worth Rs 325 crore. Notably, 50 kg of heroin and 37 kg of opium were among the contraband seized. On the first anniversary of May 10, the Assam government reported a total of 2,843 cases registered and 4,838 drug traffickers arrested as part of its relentless crackdown on drugs. The Assam government further disclosed that drugs worth Rs 550 crore were seized during the year 2022. Speaking at the anniversary function, the Chief Minister said, “On this day last year, the BJP coalition formed the government for the second term in the state, and last year was a year of hard work.

This year, we have been able to make Assam drug free’’. This endeavour to make Assam drug-free is geared towards securing a bright future for the upcoming generation of Assam. There are many families in Assam who are affected by this drug use, and only the relatives of the families can feel the tragic consequences of drug use. Fortunately, the Chief Minister of Assam himself is determined to make Assam drug-free. Therefore, it is important that all the people of Assam actively engage in this endeavour, ensuring that together we can build a beautiful future for the next generation.