
Ethnic cleansing

Sentinel Digital Desk

The world witnessed one of bloodiest ethnic cleansing during the Nazi regime when lakhs of Jews were eliminated by a well-orchestrated mechanism. In India, ethnic cleansing started in 1990s in the then state of Jammu and Kashmir when indigenous Kashmiri pandits were massacred brutally with a clear objective. The then governments both at the Centre and in Jammu and Kashmir were mute spectators. Those lucky few who escaped the mayhem sneaked into the neighbouring states like Haryana, Delhi, Punjab etc and were stationed in the refugee camps. In a recent programme in of the news channels, the experiences shared by those Kashmiri pandits of those horrifying hours were heart wrenching.

God forbids but the threat of ethnic cleansing of the indigenous population in our state looms large, thanks to 'appeasement and pseudo secular policies' adopted by the Congress along with its allies like AIUDF and Leftist forces. In the recent two incidents of lynching cases (Hajo and Guwahati) in the State the response and reaction anticipated from two 'active and vocal' regional organizations was too meagre. Let's see how Sarbananda and company plan against this harsh forecast.

Dr. Ashim Chowdhury,
