
Extra territorial loyalty?

Sentinel Digital Desk

The country is passing through one of the most difficult phases in its history because of Chinese virus pandemic, Chinese aggression in Ladakh and insurgency problems in Kashmir valley. The coronavirus is an unseen foe. However, due to well planned strategy of the government, selfless service of the COVID warriors our country is doing much better than some of the leading nations of the world. The has come to a standoff with China in Ladakh and regular ceasefire violations by rogue Pakistani army. Sadly our country is also infested with some who have regularly shown extra terrestrial loyalty. These bugs (Leftists and some Congressmen) are often seen in some of the leading news channels shamelessly insulting the Army, our frontline warriors, including the police and government officials and the government. At the same breath they display their notorious loyalty or liking to our arch rival countries. My simply appeal to them 'you can hate Modi, but never the Nation'.

Dr. Ashim Chowdhury,

Ambari, Guwahati-1.