
Green hydrogen: Empowering India’s Energy Security

Sentinel Digital Desk

Madhurjya Saikia

(The writer can be reached at madhurjyatu15@gmail.com)

In recent years, India has been diligently pursuing its ambitious renewable energy goals, striving to reduce its carbon footprint and enhance energy security. Amidst this transition, green hydrogen has emerged as a promising solution to address the nation’s energy needs while mitigating environmental concerns. In the pursuit of sustainable energy solutions, green hydrogen has emerged as a pivotal player in India’s quest for enhanced energy security. As the nation grapples with the challenges of rising energy demands, environmental concerns, and dependence on fossil fuels, green hydrogen offers a transformative path forward. This article explores how green hydrogen can bolster India’s energy security by reducing its reliance on fossil fuel imports, ensuring a stable energy supply, and contributing to a cleaner and more sustainable energy ecosystem.

Green hydrogen is produced through a process known as electrolysis, a fundamental application of electrochemistry. This scientific process involves the splitting of water (H2O) into its constituent elements, hydrogen and oxygen, using electricity. The procedure begins with water being placed in an electrolyser equipped with two electrodes, usually composed of conductive materials like nickel or stainless steel. When an electrical current is applied across these electrodes, it causes water molecules to ionize. The negatively charged electrode, called the cathode, attracts positively charged hydrogen ions, while the positively charged electrode, known as the anode, attracts negatively charged hydroxide ions. At the cathode, hydrogen ions gain electrons and combine to form hydrogen gas, while at the anode, hydroxide ions lose electrons and form oxygen gas. Crucially, to produce green hydrogen, renewable energy sources such as solar or wind power are employed to provide the electricity for the electrolysis process. This ensures that hydrogen production is eco-friendly and devoid of greenhouse gas emissions, making it a sustainable and clean energy carrier with immense potential for reducing carbon footprints.

Green hydrogen plays a central role in advancing sustainability on multiple fronts, making it a critical element in our quest for a more environmentally responsible and sustainable future. First and foremost, green hydrogen is produced using renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power, which are inherently sustainable and do not deplete natural resources or emit harmful pollutants. This production process generates no carbon emissions, offering a clean alternative to fossil fuels in various sectors. Furthermore, green hydrogen serves as an effective energy carrier and storage solution. It can store excess renewable energy when production exceeds demand and release it when needed, enhancing the reliability and stability of energy grids. This enables a more seamless integration of intermittent renewables into the energy mix, supporting sustainable energy transitions. In sectors like transportation and heavy industry, green hydrogen can replace carbon-intensive fuels and processes, reducing greenhouse gas emissions significantly. It promotes sustainable practices and contributes to global efforts to combat climate change and reduce carbon footprints. Overall, green hydrogen is instrumental in achieving sustainability goals by reducing carbon footprints, fostering renewable energy adoption, and promoting cleaner practices across various sectors, ultimately driving us towards a more sustainable and environmentally conscious world.

The Indian government has taken significant steps to promote green hydrogen as a sustainable energy source. In the National Green Hydrogen Mission, the government outlined its commitment to developing a hydrogen ecosystem. The overarching objective of the mission is to make India a global hub for the production, usage, and export of green hydrogen and its derivatives. Key policies include providing financial incentives and subsidies for green hydrogen production and research, facilitating private sector investment, and establishing pilot projects. The government is also encouraging collaborations with international organisations to harness technological expertise. Furthermore, green hydrogen has been included in India’s decarbonisation strategy, underscoring its importance in achieving the nation’s ambitious renewable energy goals and reducing carbon emissions in various sectors, such as transportation and industry.

Green energy, harnessed from renewable sources, is making significant inroads across diverse sectors in India, playing a pivotal role in sustainability and emissions reduction. In the realm of electricity generation, solar and wind power are being widely utilised, with solar farms and wind turbines proliferating to diversify the energy mix and reduce reliance on fossil fuels. The transportation sector is witnessing a surge in electric vehicles (EVs), facilitated by an expanding network of charging infrastructure, which not only curbs air pollution but also slashes greenhouse gas emissions. Agriculture benefits from solar-powered irrigation systems and renewable energy-driven cold storage facilities, enhancing productivity while minimising post-harvest losses. Industries are increasingly adopting renewable energy for various processes, from heating to manufacturing, reducing both energy costs and emissions. Rooftop solar panels are transforming residential and commercial spaces by generating clean electricity, reducing bills, and promoting grid independence. From rural electrification to water treatment, construction to industrial operations, the integration of green energy aligns with India’s sustainable development goals, enhances energy security, fosters economic growth, and drives technological innovation, underscoring its multifaceted importance in the nation’s quest for a cleaner and more sustainable future.

India has demonstrated a steadfast commitment to combating climate change through the promotion of green energy. The country has set ambitious renewable energy targets, including the installation of 500 GW by 2030 and 50 percent of its energy requirements from renewable energy by 2030. Initiatives like the National Solar Mission and the Green Hydrogen Mission are pivotal in advancing sustainable energy solutions. India is also actively participating in international agreements like the Paris Agreement, pledging to reduce emissions and transition to cleaner energy sources. These efforts not only reduce greenhouse gas emissions but also position India as a global leader in renewable energy adoption, contributing significantly to the global fight against climate change.

In conclusion, India’s pursuit of green hydrogen represents a visionary stride towards a sustainable, clean, and energy-secure future. As the nation grapples with the twin challenges of environmental degradation and energy security, green hydrogen emerges as a transformative solution. Through its commitment to harnessing renewable energy sources for hydrogen production and integrating this clean energy carrier into various sectors, India is poised to reduce its carbon footprint, mitigate the impacts of climate change, and enhance energy security. The policies and investments made by the Indian government underscore its determination to lead the way in adopting green hydrogen technology. This commitment not only aligns with global efforts to combat climate change but also positions India as a pioneer in renewable energy adoption, fostering economic growth and technological innovation. Green hydrogen is more than just a sustainable energy source; it is a beacon of hope, signalling India’s dedication to a greener and more prosperous future for its citizens and the world at large.