
HS results

Sentinel Digital Desk

It is indeed a matter of much rejoicing that this year's overall pass percentage in the HS Final Examination is the highest compared to that of the past three years. Apart from this, it's noticeable that the candidates appearing in the exam from rural areas have given a tough competition to those from urban and semi-urban areas in terms of performance. Those students must have been provided with a favourable ambience for studies by their parents and teachers that, in return, lead to the conviction for hard work and perseverance. It's that kind of support the students urgently need today. I need hardly say that the notion of a section of people including some students that studying only in the top-notch institutions can be instrumental in acquiring top positions in any examination has been falsified by the excellent performance of these candidates. As such, now it's time parents emphasized more on creating a favourable ambience for studies at home itself rather than insisting on their securing good marks in examinations that is the much-needed criterion for a candidate to be able to get admitted in a college of good repute. Teachers play a vital role in this regard. If children were motivated duly and in a right way right from an early stage of schooling, many undesired facts could have been got rid of today. It's not too late. There is still much time to introspect ourselves with regards to our lowly mindsets. The government also must be keen on doing its bit to ameliorate the education scenario of the state, but simultaneously the general masses must also be well-informed of the education system and understanding towards the temperament of their wards.

Dipen Gogoi,

Teok, Jorhat.