
Medical education for government scholars: Letters to The Editor

Sentinel Digital Desk

Medical education for government scholars

The Tamil Nadu Government is going to provide a 7.5 per cent reservation for students who come up from government schools in undergraduate medical courses. The State Legislative Assembly has passed a bill in this regard and the provisions of the new law are applicable to all government and private medical, dental, Indian medicine, and homeopathy streams. The reservation will benefit 300 underprivileged scholars. This is a commendable move and acknowledges the efforts of government schools.

Amit Singh Kushwaha,

Satna (M.P.)

Rarest of breed

Nowadays generally we come across news relating to negative side of the society. On 16th September in your esteemed daily, there came a very heartening news regarding the honesty displayed by WPC constable of Panbazar police station. The lady in news is Rwisumvi Basumatary, who while on her regular duty found a wallet containing Rs. 20,500 in cash and some other vital documents lying on the busy HB Road, Fancy Bazaar. Without giving a second thought, the honest lady did the needful and returned the wallet, cash and other documents to the owner. Rwisumvi Basumatary deserves thousands salute and such act of her is definitely going to inspire her colleagues. Certainly a rarest of breed in today's world. She deserves accolades from her department and her act should be highlighted with bold letters as a person like her can be role model for younger generations.

Dr. Ashim Chowdhury,

Ambari, Guwahati - 1

Chinese aggression

While India struggles with COVID-19 and the flattening of the curve not in sight, even a 'limited war' with China will do severe damage to the already nose-diving GDP and rising unemployment. The Dragon, however, knows how to exploit a vulnerable situation. It would be in our better interest to try to find ways and strategies, including counter or counterfeited aggression, to avoid any warlike likelihood, for war during pandemic times and hostile neighbours could prove far more destructive and unaffordable. The 'Chinese dream' is not likely to be stopped by mere banning of its apps or celebrating five Rafales.

Chandan Kumar Nath,


Harsh reality

The post-lockdown period in the State has witnessed sudden spurt in the cases of criminal activities like robbery, drug trafficking, burglary, rape, cattle lifting, kidnapping, etc. But the bitter fact which is hard to swallow or digest for us is that 90 per cent of the above mentioned crimes are committed by the people belonging to a particular linguistic minority across the State. Now coming to another aspect in this regard is that these criminals are the backbone of two major political parties who are in alliance for the forthcoming Assembly elections in the State. Please for God's sake, do not brand me as communal, it is a harsh reality.

Aparna Sarma Chowdhury,


Party without philosophy has no future

A new regional party named Assam Jatiya Parishad has been formed padding the slogan 'Assam first, ever and always'. Till now the mother of this party is two large unions - AASU and AJYCP. This is AASU's second child after giving birth to the first child - AGP long 36 years back. The first child of AASU promised to give us a 'Golden Assam' but what kind of Assam they have given us is distinctly visible to all. Playing with the regionalism sentiment of the people of Assam they have deceived us bitterly. It happened so because the AGP had no distinct political and economic philosophy. Lack of depthness in knowledge, impractical implementation of economic policies and narrowness of thinking has made this party a particle of dustbin. Moreover, wrangle within the party leaders for powers have made people to throw them away from their hearts. It would be an uphill task for the AGP to make a grip in the hearts of the Assamese people once again. The betrayal of the AGP has shown a golden road to a new regional party. But people have a speculation over the activities of the new regional party. Because sour mangoes cannot be sold again and again. The newly formed Assam Jatiya Parishad must have distinct political, economic and cultural philosophy. In political philosophy whether they follow the secularism or flattery like Congress or Hindutva like BJP, they should make it clear before the people of Assam. Similarly, in the field of economy whether they will follow the philosophy of 'vocal for local' or LPG (liberalisation, privatization and globalization) they must have clear idea. And in the field of culture 'give and take' would be better or 'will not take, will not give' would be better, their thinking must be clear in this matter also. If the new party's only aim is to capture power by hoodwinking people then their condition will be the same as that of the AGP. Remember a party without convincing philosophy has no future.

Harsha Mohan Sarma,

Chamata, Nalbari

Multi-purpose workers' issues

Through your esteemed daily, I would like to draw the attention that under the honourable Health Minister of Assam 2,700 diligent young men were appointed for the post of Multi Purpose Worker (Male) all over the State in various Health sub-centres and units and amongst them, about 105 employees are still employed under Darrang district. We, the MPW follow each and every order or instruction given to us by the Health Department of Assam and likewise, we also have notable contributions and active involvement in successful implementations of various NHM (National Health Mission) projects and programmes that fall under the Darrang district. This fact also has been highlighted or telecast in several news media, a number of times. Again, from the past month of February in entire Assam, we, under your strong leadership and guidance are also actively engaged in the war against the COVID-19 pandemic that has spread all around the world.

Sir, using this opportunity, we would like to notify you that we are working with double enthusiasm and determination after we are able to gather the glorifying words of compliment from you and the honourable Chief Minister of Assam, for our sincere and humble efforts at work. Moreover, we are committed to do our duty with full passion and eagerness in future days. But miserably we would like to inform you that—(1) after surpassing 10 years of our service also, we are deprived of the privileges and benefits of our service that should have been received by us. (2) From 2016, we are totally devoid of the fixed T.A., which previously we acquired. (3) Since we are employed in the rural area, we are also deprived of the specific Rural Incentive which is provided to the ANM (Auxiliary Nurse Midwife). Logically, it must be applicable in our case too. (4) Since we are employed under one year On-Job Institutional Training Programme, therefore we must get Technical Grade pay too. But we are still deprived of it. (5) Furthermore, there is no clearance or any definite instructions about departmental promotional measures to be taken in our case. Equally, like the ANM/GNM, there must be definite rules or instructions about the promotional activities to be taken. Sir, through this letter we tried to bring these few issues into your focus and we hope that you would consider and resolve these long term problems as early as possible and do us a favour.

Heramba Nath,


Assam Jatiya Parishad

With the ensuing 2021 State Assembly election in mind a new political party, AJP has been formed. Announcing the new political party, Basanta Deka and Dr. Krishna Gopal Bhatta, conveners of the of the organizing committee formed for doing ground work for the new party's launch. It is learnt that a political convention of the party would be held in early November to finalize its poll strategy.

It is good that a strong political party takes birth in Assam to fight the national parties, the BJP and the Congress in the ensuing poll. But they should not give false assurances in order to woo voters in their poll campaign. Let us wait and watch.

Putul Sarma,

Biswanath Chariali