
Trump Vs Joe Biden: Letters to The Editor

Sentinel Digital Desk

Trump Vs Joe Biden

After a keen context and vigorous election campaign for a long period in the USA, Joe Biden won the battle and has become the 46th President of the USA. In the USA there are only two parties, one is Democrat and other is Republican. Now, question arises as to India's relationships with the USA under Biden administration as regards to foreign policy, trade, commerce, and communication. Our Prime Minister had good friendship with Trump. Trump helped India in several sectors, particularly in Pakistan and China fronts. The suspension of H-1B visas under Trump administration is a great concern for Indians. But now Biden declared that he would increase the number of H-1 B visas which is expecting to benefit thousands of Indian professionals. Biden's administration can lead India to be a permanent member of the Security Council. But, being a Democrat leader Biden expressed apprehensions on India's internal but sensitive issues like the abrogation article 370, disruption of internet services in J&K, NRC in Assam, and passage of CAB in to an Act. Thus, there are several issues which we cannot predict at present. Let us see and wait hopefully for a good outcome.

Putul Sarma

Biswanath Chariali

Diwali amidst corona

After sober Durga Puja celebrations, Diwali has arrived in a much sombre way.

This year has been very harsh for some of us who lost their near and dear ones to coronavirus without even having the privilege to follow proper rituals after death. Many unpleasant news have been doing rounds, most of us lost our jobs and on the brighter side, many found their soul mates and got married.

As humans, I believe everyone can come up and celebrate a Green Diwali whilst making generous contributions or doing something for the needy. After all, lighting up someone's life in need will be a truly-lit gesture that will last a lifetime. Smokes from bursting crackers and noise pollution have already irritated our mother earth and have made lives miserable for asthmatic people and children. This is our beloved planet and all of us can truly celebrate a happy Diwali in a way so that coming generations can thank us for.

P.P Barua
