
Letters to the Editor: Bull’s-eye, once again

Sentinel Digital Desk

Bull’s-eye, once again

Once again, your esteemed daily’s editorial column has hit the bull’s-eye by putting the matter with factual truth under the title ‘LACHIT, INDIA’S HERO’, dated January 21, 2024. Our post-independence historians totally ignored the unsung heroes besides Lachit Barphukan, namely Harsha Bardhan, Chatrapati Shivaji, Maharana Pratap Singh, Ranjit Singh, Rani of Jhansi, Nana Saheb Peshwa, Mangal Pandey, Bhagat Singh, and others, to name a few. I, being a bona fide Axomiya and Indian, highly appreciate the Home Minister’s speech on January 20, 2024, at Guwahati, where he quoted the names of those unsung heroes who were not given due importance in our history. They mainly focused on Babar, the invader from Uzbekistan, and his descendants, who ruled India for six hundred years, almost turning India into an Islamic state. Our present set of secularists must have heard the name of'secular' Auragazeb, a tyrant in whose name a city in Maharashtra is still named.

Your brave and timely editorial on January 21 once again has proved that you are the true Sentinel of NE India. The AASU leaders should take a leaf out of your editorial to be more nationalist.

Lanu Dutt Chowdhury,



CAA and Assam

CAB, once known as the Citizen Amendment Bill, became CAA (Citizenship Amendment Act) after being passed in both houses of Parliament and is going to be implemented across the nation. The anti-CAA agitation initiated in Assam by AASU, supported by Congress and the leftists under the leadership of a few think tanks, namely Dr. Hiren Gohain, Akhil Ranjan Dutta, Ajit Kumar Bhuyan, Akhil Gogoi, and others, slowly spread to the rest of the nation and almost created a law-and-order situation across the whole nation. The Shaheen Bagh road blockade in New Delhi was a glaring example, and Assam too suffered a lot, both academically and economically, for almost a year. The agitation died a natural death in Assam due to a lack of mass support after people realized the motives and intentions of those leading the agitation. In this process, the state produced someone like Ajit Bhuyan, who became an MP in the upper house with the support of the AIUDF, and former AASU General Secretary Lurin Jyoti Gogoi floated a new regional party, which was however rejected by people in the last assembly election in two constituencies. Akhil Gogoi, known for his role in opposing Kaziranga eviction, also played his role in misleading the gullible Axomiyas regarding the CAA.

Now Dr. Hiren Gohain and his comrades, after being dormant for a few years, have once again threatened to raise the issue of CAA, which might give some opportunity to the likes of Lurin Jyoti Gogoi to make their presence felt in Assam before the coming election. We are waiting for them with open arms. JAI AAI ASOM.

Joel Goyari,


Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra

Rahul Gandhi's Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra, which started in Manipur, has entered its second week. Rahul Gandhi intends to march across the country with the message of rule of law and justice, love, harmony, unity, and goodwill, but he is facing obstacles every step of the way. Banning access to temples and universities is a scare tactic, but Rahul is not afraid of it. This attitude of Rahul Gandhi has become disturbing for his opponents. They do not want the message of secularism, brotherhood, love, peace, and harmony to be prevalent again and the people of India to live together. If this happens, the politics of polarization will end, and the government will face serious threats. Therefore, obstacles are being created in front of Rahul Gandhi at every step. The signs show that Rahul is going to face a lot of trouble in this second yatra; it remains to be seen how well Rahul manages to deal with it.

Bahadur Singh,


Lord Ram: Myth or man?

Across India, the impending construction of the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya has reignited a timeless debate: Is Lord Ram a mythical figure or a historical reality? This question, woven into the fabric of faith and history, is as complex as it is ancient.

On one hand, Ram stands as a towering icon of Hinduism, venerated in the epic Ramayana, an oral tradition passed down for millennia. His journey, defined by righteousness, valour, and unyielding devotion, serves as a moral compass for millions. From ornate temples to vibrant street plays, his presence pulsates in the cultural lifeblood of India.

However, recent times have witnessed increased scrutiny, particularly from some political and academic circles. Critics point to the lack of conclusive archaeological evidence for Ram's existence, questioning the historicity of the Ramayana. They argue that the epic, while rich in cultural significance, should be regarded as a literary masterpiece, not a factual account. Their arguments demand consideration. Archaeological excavations at Ayodhya, though extensive, haven't unearthed definitive proof of Ram's presence. Additionally, the Ramayana intertwines historical elements with mythical motifs, blurring the lines between fact and fiction.

Yet, dismissing Ram solely as a myth overlooks the tapestry of evidence woven over centuries. Oral traditions, often overlooked in conventional historical documentation, carry immense weight in understanding ancient societies. The Ramayana, recited for generations, has served as a repository of memory, transmitting not just Rama's story but also social customs, geographical details, and linguistic nuances of its time. Furthermore, dismissing Ram's historicity overlooks the existence of parallel narratives. The Ramayana finds echoes in Buddhist and Jain texts, suggesting a shared cultural awareness of Ram's legend. Additionally, archaeological excavations in Thailand and Cambodia have unearthed Ramayana-inspired art and architecture, demonstrating its widespread influence beyond India's borders.

Ultimately, the debate around Ram's historicity transcends the sterile realm of academic discourse. It delves into the heart of faith, where stories acquire a life of their own, inspiring and guiding generations. Even if conclusive proof of Rama's earthly existence eludes us, his impact on culture, values, and the social fabric of India remains undeniable. Perhaps the question "Is Lord Ram a myth?" misses the point. Whether he walked the earth or resided solely in the realm of storytelling, Ram remains a potent symbol of hope, resilience, and devotion. His legacy, like the river Saraswati, flows beneath the surface of Indian consciousness, shaping its identity and aspirations. In a world increasingly fractured by scepticism and cynicism, Ram's enduring appeal offers a glimpse into the power of narratives that transcend the material world. His story, whether grounded in historical reality or the fertile ground of imagination, continues to resonate, reminding us of the timeless truths that bind us together.

Abhishek Konwar,

Cotton University