
Letters to the EDITOR: Efficiency development in Assam

Sentinel Digital Desk

Efficiency development in Assam

In the article titled ''Efficiency is the new mantra of business ''published in your esteemed daily on April 29, the writer DC Pathak has rightly said that today 'efficiency ' is the hallmark of any successful business operation involving delivery on a global basis and IT and AI make it possible to achieve it to the satisfaction of all stakeholders. It is pertinent to mention here that there are abundant potential human resources in Assam besides it's abundant natural resources, thus fulfilling the conditions required for development. It is true that development depends not on the availability of potential natural and human resources, but on their proper utilization through human skills, ingenuity, dexterity and management capability aided by capital and technology. In our State there is no manpower planning and humble resource development schemes worth mentioning. We need strategies for providing useful education and training for skill development, health measures with sanitation, nutrition and medical facilities, employment opportunities, empowerment of women and poorer section of the people with employment and income generation. Our so-called education system is responsible for creating a generation of youths who have taken up arms, got involved in crimes, got addicted to drugs and other intoxicants. As a result, they cannot do physical labour or indulge in creative thinking. They are taught to ape the western culture blindly without any understanding of the positive qualities of western culture. Thus , there is absence of efficiency of human resource. However, it may be mentioned that the Muslim immigrants are very laborious and they are ready to do any kind of work. It is because of that they can do hard labour and have become firmly rooted in the soil of Assam. What is now needed for the educated and trained Assamese youth is to do their work more efficiently so that they become a workforce to overhaul the socio-economic condition of Assam. Today, what one can see is that most of engineers produced by IIT do not serve their own state, but work in other countries. Then what is the benefit of such technical institutions? If the majority of the youths are trained at agricultural training centres for  agricultural modernization and development and in IIT for development of small -scale industries and various kinds of mechanical works in automobile, electricity, construction and other service sectors , there would not have been dearth of efficient trained manpower in the state.

Iqbal Saikia,


Neglect and mismanagement of electric buses in Guwahati

Through your esteemed daily, I am writing to bring to your attention the concerning state of affairs regarding the recently launched green-coloured electrical buses in Guwahati. These buses were introduced with the noble intention of providing a smoother and more eco-friendly mode of transportation for the city's commuters. However, within just four months of their launch, they are already exhibiting signs of neglect and lack of maintenance, leading to serious issues for passengers and other road users alike. One of the most alarming issues is the reckless driving behaviour exhibited by the drivers of these electric buses. They are frequently observed engaging in risky manoeuvres such as abrupt lane changes and sudden braking without signalling, posing significant risks to both passengers and other vehicles on the road. The frequency of accidents involving these buses is also a cause for concern and raises questions about the drivers' experience and training. Furthermore, the lack of regular cleaning and maintenance of the buses has exacerbated the situation. Many of these buses are now dirty and poorly maintained, with malfunctioning air conditioning systems that create suffocating conditions for passengers, particularly when the buses are overcrowded. It is evident that urgent action is required to address these issues and ensure the safety and comfort of the city's commuters. I urge the relevant authorities to take immediate steps to improve the training and supervision of bus drivers, implement regular maintenance schedules for the buses, and enforce stricter regulations to prevent reckless driving behavior. Also, measures should be taken to ensure the proper functioning of the air conditioning systems in these buses. As concerned citizens, we expect nothing less than a swift and effective response to these pressing issues to restore faith in the electric bus system and fulfil the promises made to the residents of Guwahati.

Sabina Ahmed

Dibrugarh University

Breakthrough in Speech Technology

Through your esteemed daily newspaper, I am writing to bring attention to a remarkable achievement in the realm of speech technology, recently accomplished by the diligent researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati. Their groundbreaking development and subsequent patenting of "LOQU," a pioneering method designed to generate human speech signals directly from vocal cord vibration signals, represent a remarkable leap forward in the field.

The significance of this breakthrough cannot be overstated, particularly for individuals grappling with speech impairments. The ability of "LOQU" to produce clear and comparable speech signals offers a promising solution that has the potential to transform the lives of many. By harnessing non-invasive sensors to capture vocal fold vibrations and processing these signals electronically, the team at IIT Guwahati has unlocked a pathway towards enhanced speech clarity and communication accessibility for those in need. Moreover, the dedication and ingenuity of the Electro Medical and Speech Technology Group at IIT Guwahati exemplify the profound impact that collaborative research endeavours can have on society. Their unwavering commitment to innovation not only addresses a pressing societal need but also paves the way for future advancements in the medical and communication domains.

As we celebrate this remarkable achievement, it is crucial to recognize the tireless efforts of the researchers involved and the potential ripple effects of their work. By striving to empower individuals facing speech impairments and driving meaningful innovations, they are shaping a future where barriers to communication are dismantled and opportunities for inclusion are expanded.

Ashmita Nandi

Dibrugarh University

Concerns over rising medicine prices

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the alarming trend of rising medicine prices in Assam. The recent hikes in medication costs are placing an undue burden on the residents of our state, particularly those from low-income backgrounds who rely on affordable healthcare services.

Access to essential medicines is a fundamental right, and the escalating prices are exacerbating the healthcare challenges faced by many in our community. This issue not only affects individual patients but also has broader implications for public health outcomes. It is imperative that the relevant authorities take swift and decisive action to address this issue. Measures such as price regulation, subsidies for essential medications, and increased transparency in pharmaceutical pricing could help alleviate the financial strain on patients and ensure equitable access to healthcare for all residents of Assam.

Darshana Nath

Gauhati University