
Letters to the EDITOR: Good governance and work culture

Sentinel Digital Desk

Good governance and work culture

I congratulate our honourable Chief Minister for all the good work done under his leadership. His work efficiency is commendable. His energy level and dynamism are really unparalleled. The people of Assam can get what they want from the present Chief Minister to move Assam forward on the path of development, matching the concept of Smart City. The rest of the members of the present Cabinet should also show efficiency in fulfilling their duties. It would be very welcome to avoid the unnecessarily loud responses observed in many cases. Therefore, I would like to point out that the rest of the ministers should shine as human resources in their respective fields, not in debate.

Again, in terms of the Chief Minister’s efficiency, I think it is very important that the political opposition as well as all loyalists are an integral part of a society, and they too have a contribution to the journey of development. Instead of reflecting the dissatisfaction of the opposition or bitterly criticizing their mistakes, they should be encouraged to continue doing good work in simple terms. In short, it is very important that the Chief Minister’s infinite energy is not wasted or should not go in vain.

For a healthy society, the ruling government must take into account all aspects. In other words, the advice and great sayings of wise and experienced persons, writings, and public advice must be taken into consideration, and their implementation is recommended. Only then can we see the real development that society wants.

We want to see a real picture of improvement. That is, in addition to the benefits that can be achieved through large schemes in the greater interest, I think that the availability of facilities in the areas where we live is a part or aspect of real inclusive development.

The government is now in a record-breaking era, thanks to the strong will and initiative of the Chief Minister. This record should be a measure of the progress of the people of Assam in all aspects. I think the government’s record will be completed if it sets another record. That is, to build a record of good governance and a good work culture. So that the general public gets real satisfaction. We need a record of genuine improvement in stopping the daily accidents due to the bad condition of the streets in the cities and making the street lights functional. There is a great need for a good work culture. Otherwise, everyone will laugh at it as “colourful on the outside and useless on the inside”. In the case of Guwahati city, many incidents involve dark sidewalks, muddy roads, and sudden potholes in the roads, which are in dire need of repairs. Not to mention the artificial floods caused by one spell of rain.

I would like to request that the government authorities follow the constructive messages elicited by the comments of the public and intellectual community in various media, such as “People’s representatives should do as they promised” ,”Everything is not going well” , “Beneficiary issue,” etc. It seems to actually work. These are just a few examples. Similarly, if the government takes the right decisions inspired by the constructive criticisms expressed on many occasions, the people will not only benefit, but the blessings will be nourished and lasting. I mean, he can be expected to stay in power for another 10 years.

It is implored not to encourage unnecessary movements. A more rational solution should be found to avoid possible agitation in any part of society. Such movements waste energy in many ways. Among the important decisions of the Cabinet, the “Immediate Action” Work Culture Scheme will benefit the people the most. I think it is an essential part of good governance to express decisions against public opinion in a reasonable manner.
Finally, I conclude my letter with a special request to the Hon’ble Chief Minister. The constructive views of prominent writers and pioneers published in various media should be utilized in the programmes of the government through genuine consideration. Similarly, taking appropriate measures to make the expression of meaningful feedback compulsory will enable the public to contribute strongly to building a healthy and strong society by becoming partners in the government mechanism.

Arup Hazarika,

Sankar Path, Guwahati,

What’s wrong with them?

We understand that universities are the highest temples of education. We mention the names of Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, etc., to name a few who are acclaimed globally for producing some gems of people who have made their respective nations proud. In India (Bharat), we have Delhi University, Benaras Hindu University, Aligarh Muslim University, Allahabad University, JNU, etc., which have a high reputation for being temples of learning. But very sadly, of late, some universities, namely JNU and AMU, are in the news for the wrong reasons for producing some anti-national elements. They have started hero-worshipping some traitors who always play the victim card and try to cut democracy and the nation into pieces, hitting the streets blatantly supporting the cause of our enemy nations. JNU and AMU varsities, in fact, have become breeding grounds for anti-national elements, at the cost of the money of our nation’s tax payers.

It happens only in a secular democracy named India, where so many bravehearts have to lay down their lives fighting against the diabolical game plans of the enemy’s policies, but the passouts of the said varsities support their causes.

Joel Gayari,
