
Mass congregational platforms – creating positive influence on brand building

Sentinel Digital Desk

Sandipan Nair

Mass congregational platforms have always lured Brand marketers targeting their inherent desire for their Brands to be seen as visible and active in an arena flocked by hundreds, thousands, and lakhs.

So how do these #masscongregations help popularize Brands?

Remember we live in a Brand khichdi. So, in this clutter how do we register positive recall and create a positive opinion.

What should Brands do-

Create positive opinion? Generate Leads? Mesmerize the masses? Engage positively and send out a positive signal that this is a brand which cares.

Or concentrate in just selling.

Fairs, commonly known as haats, melas forever attracted my attention and desire to advertise/engage/mesmerize and in the Eastern part of the country there are a number of Fairs which attract a multitude of people flocking to them:

Balijatra–one of the biggest in Asia

Sonpurmela-the largest cattle fair in Asia starting from the bovineand canines to our humble toothpaste and #Keshkala tel

Pous mela: one of the most historical Fairs in Bengal attracting commoners intellectuals et al

Some very interesting ways to capitalize a Brand participation can be

Create larger-than-life impressions: Especially if you are promoting a Construction Brand-Cement, rods, real estate, Brands endorsed by Brand Ambassadors, Brands having positioning changes, Brands trying to position itself differently.

Engage positively. Now that’s your catch. When your probable consumer walks up to you it’s your chance to express, impress (or depress) make a life-time positive impression or just do a quick sale.

Propagate a cause. So your Brand must be professing a cause, a premise, an objective. This is the occasion-Give life to your Brand objectives, propagate, announce to the world

We celebrated the traditional #Balijatra-compelling narrative to create impression in the minds of the consumer. Saluted two Boat craftsmen as a mark of respect and honor to the festival of boats which symbolizes Boats.