
Mental health epidemic among adolescent girls

Sentinel Digital Desk

Adolescent girls in India face numerous mental health challenges. India has a large population of adolescent girls, and studies have shown that they are at a higher risk of developing mental health problems compared to boys. The stigma surrounding mental health and the lack of awareness and access to mental health services exacerbate the problem. It’s a well-established fact that children and teens’ mental health took a hit during the pandemic. But new research suggests that teen girls in particular are suffering in unprecedented ways. A survey by the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention that was published in early February 2023 found that, in 2021, 57 per cent of high school girls reported experiencing “persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness in the past year,” up from 36 percent in 2011. That’s nearly twice as high as the 29 percent of males who reported having those feelings in 2021.

Depression and anxiety are some of the most prevalent mental health disorders faced by adolescent girls in India. The pressures of academic performance, family expectations, and societal norms can lead to feelings of inadequacy, low self-esteem, and hopelessness. In some cases, these feelings can lead to self-harm or suicide. Mental health education and awareness programmes in schools and communities can help reduce stigma and increase knowledge about the warning signs and treatment options for depression and anxiety. Additionally, access to counselling and therapy services in schools and communities can provide a safe space for girls to seek help.

Eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia are becoming increasingly common among adolescent girls in India. The pressure to conform to societal beauty standards and the desire to be thin can lead to disordered eating behaviors that can have long-lasting physical and mental health consequences. Promoting body positivity and diversity in media and advertising can help challenge the unrealistic beauty standards that contribute to eating disorders. Additionally, education and awareness programs about the dangers of disordered eating and the importance of healthy eating habits can help prevent eating disorders.

Substance abuse is a growing problem among adolescent girls in India. Peer pressure, curiosity, and the desire to fit in can lead to experimentation with drugs and alcohol. Substance abuse can have severe consequences for physical and mental health, academic performance, and future opportunities. Education and awareness programmes in schools and communities can help prevent substance abuse by promoting healthy coping mechanisms and providing information about the dangers of drug and alcohol use. Access to counselling and support services can help girls who are struggling with substance abuse.

Adolescent girls in India often face challenges related to their sexual and reproductive health. Stigma surrounding sexual health issues, limited access to healthcare, and a lack of sex education can lead to confusion and anxiety about sexual health. Comprehensive sex education programmes in schools and communities can help girls make informed decisions about their sexual and reproductive health. Access to healthcare services, including reproductive health services, can help girls address any issues related to their sexual health.

Social and emotional connectivity between humans is likely one of the most potent weapons we have against significant stress and sadness. Studies have found strong links between lack of parental and peer support and depression during adolescence. Support from friends can also help mitigate the link between extreme adolescent anxiety and suicidal thoughts. In one study of teens, social support was linked to greater resilience, such as being better able to withstand certain types of social cruelty like bullying. Mental health challenges faced by adolescent girls in India are complex and multifaceted. Addressing these challenges requires a multi-pronged approach that includes education, awareness, and access to services. By promoting mental health education and awareness, challenging beauty standards, providing access to counselling and support services, and promoting sexual and reproductive health, we can help adolescent girls in India achieve their full potential and lead healthy and fulfilling lives.