
Modi's influential speech boosts confidence in J&K

Sentinel Digital Desk

Lalit Garg

(The writer can be reached at lalitgarg11@gmail.com)

The gaze of the country was on the recent visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Jammu and Kashmir because he reached the soil of Jammu and Kashmir for the first time after the abrogation of Article 370. His visit has given many positive messages and has become a medium of peace and development. Certainly, his journey has become the cause of a new atmosphere in this province. Jammu and Kashmir are the jewels of our country, unless it is integrated with the whole of India, the environment of peace, terrorism and development does not visible there; it has been seen as incomplete. That is why it is important to connect it with the rest of India in every way and this work has been done by Modi and his government.

Certainly, a new era has started there. For this, on the occasion of Panchayat Day in Jammu, Modi not only addressed the Panchayat officials across the country but also laid the foundation stone and inaugurated various schemes and projects of this union territory and also gave this message to the people of Kashmir and Ladakh that the Government of India is committed to protecting their interests. It should be our resolve to rectify the mistakes of the past and take steps carefully in building the future. Modi has expressed this resolution in his speech in Samba.

Giving details of the work done in Jammu and Kashmir, Narendra Modi also underlined how development and public welfare works are being done rapidly. Not only development plans are moulding into shape, but there has been an atmosphere of peace and harmony, and terrorist incidents have also been controlled.

Since the Modi government came, the development of Jammu and Kashmir has been carried forward in a phased manner. At the right time, the Central government has shown the same determination to curb terrorism and fulfil the remaining desired tasks as it was shown while removing Article 370 and gave a message to the world along with the country that no one's interference in Kashmir is acceptable. Kashmir is the crown of India and always will be.

Modi's visit to Kashmir assumes significance as the people there have seen peace and development come true after coming a long way in the jungle of communalism, national fragmentation, terrorism and scams. His mentality was injured and the faith on which his thinking was based has also been shaken. In the midst of these situations, Modi particularly attracted the attention of the people there, especially the youth, with the words that you will never have to face the troubles that your parents and grandparents had to face. He clearly said that he would fulfil his promise. It is hoped that these words of his will have a positive effect. Anyway, in the past few years, there have been many such developmental works, which were not been done before.

Development plans are taking shape rapidly, including investments from abroad. It is also worth noting that the delegation accompanying the Prime Minister also included top business leaders from the United Arab Emirates (UAE), an important member country of the Muslim bloc, who are taking special interest in investing in Jammu and Kashmir. It is being said that UAE companies are going to invest more than Rs 3,000 crore there. This will certainly be a new thing for Jammu and Kashmir. Through all this, the government has tried to give a message that a new chapter of democracy and development is being written in Jammu and Kashmir with peace and harmony. Elements trying to keep Jammu and Kashmir in a disturbed and sensitive area are the most troubled by such messages.

Prime Minister Modi's address is light in Palli, a small village in the Samba region of Jammu. Resolve to establish peace. The public is assured of development and moving towards a terror-free life. The maturity of understanding and harmony is visible in the change being experienced in the mindset of the common people there. Modi's visit is taking place at a time when this province is coming out from battling various challenges. There is no such great personality on the political stage there that can save the province from the confusion. There is a loss of trust in the so-called narrow and prejudiced leadership; attention has to be paid to how honest, modern and nationalist thinking and welfare outlook can emerge.

Modi's visit will play a decisive role in this direction. Undoubtedly, a lot has changed in Jammu and Kashmir since the abrogation of Article 370 and this change is also visible, but a lot remains to be done. The events that are happening are not indicating auspicious. The unrest in the Valley, the desperate activities of terrorists, eve-teasing from across the border - these speak a lot. There will be assembly elections sooner or later and possibly after the completion of the delimitation process, but before the elections are held, the challenge of putting a stop to terrorism completely will also have to be overcome. Even after the elimination of all the terrorists, the way terrorist incidents are happening in Kashmir, the return of Kashmiri Hindus is not possible at the moment. Whatever has to be done, this work has to be made possible, because only then the message will be sent to the terrorists and their supporters that their pulse is not going to rot. It would also be appropriate to reserve some seats in the Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly for Kashmiri Hindus and Sikhs.

Modi's visit to Jammu has brought many lights. This visit is like rays of light for the residents of Jammu and Kashmir as well as the people outside expressing concern over the situation here, it is auspicious and preferable. The fact also came to the fore that a major task of bringing democracy to life in the state was accomplished in the meanwhile without any hustle and bustle. The Prime Minister launched development projects worth over Rs 20,000 crore on the occasion. The fact given by Lieutenant Governor of Jammu and Kashmir Manoj Sinha is more relevant in this case that in the last six months, 80 lakh tourists have come to the state. However, there has been an old series of troubles with Jammu and Kashmir. The democratic rights of the people are also under question, especially after the abrogation of special status under Article 370. President's rule has been going on continuously since 2018. In such a situation, the real test of the government's claims regarding peace and development has to be done by the fact that soon after the assembly elections are held, the elected government is handed over the responsibility of governance and the general democratic environment is provided to the people.

The greatness of India lies in its diversity. The game of communalism and party politics has been stabbing it in the back of unity in diversity; the valley is bleeding as its symbol. When we are moving towards becoming a new India - a strong India, we are going to become the biggest economic market in the world, we are going to prepare for the role of becoming a world power, then our Jammu and Kashmir should be divided from caste, religion and selfish politics. The biggest need is to get out. The efforts of the Modi government in moving the valley in this direction are commendable. Neighbours are taking advantage of the weak politics and communal urges of the Valley, whose own feet are not on the ground. Now it is not happening, it is a sign of the rigidity and empowerment of the Centre. Leaders of the nation! Quit fighting each other. If you want to show your attitude, then show it to the enemies of the country.