
Science politics & ethics in COVID-19 pandemic

Sentinel Digital Desk

Dr Samiron Phukan

(The writer can be reached at samironphukan@gmail.com)

COVID-19 is the greatest challenge of the century to humanity. The fear of the virus attack and the deaths of near and dear ones is unprecedented. The human death toll globally has crossed a staggering over 3 million. According to John Hopkins University, the global caseload has crossed 151 million. These number clearly shows that the vanity of mankind- being the master of the universe and the way the human race was advancing towards the so-called might and valour - has been put to a reality check by a sub-microscopic viral organism. Every human being is being impacted. A lot of new terminologies that we heard earlier like a pandemic, lockdown, quarantine, virtual meetings, etc., are being practised in reality. Along with the rest of the world, India too had faced the challenge with mixed responses.

India though considerably fared well during the first wave last year, is now facing an unprecedented challenge in managing the second wave. The double-mutant variety (B.1.617) in India is a highly transmissible one and has become a major concern for the country's healthcare system. With daily infection reaching around 4 lakhs with an average infection rate of over 14 thousand per million population, the Indian healthcare system seems to be under tremendous pressure facing a near collapse situation in many places. Couple with it, over 210 thousand deaths have put a huge psychological challenge to the population creating a large-scale mental health problem. The emergence of different mutant forms of the virus has also become a cause of worry about the future behaviour of the virus.

Mutations in viruses are not a new phenomenon. Different strains of the virus do come up in a particular period. The initially reported mutated strains on COVID-19 including the strain found in the UK was said to be more transmissible but not that infectious. But the current mutant variety of India is not only more transmissible but also infectious. Interestingly, the countries which had suffered last year are better off this time. This is because of the foresightedness and strong political leadership backed by a logical scientific approach to the problem.

Although the cases like pandemic or even epidemics, needs scientific leadership and the following of scientific wisdom by political decision-makers, the case of COVID 19 seems to be different. Starting from the initiation of the virus from Wuhan in China and transmitting it globally; till the time of vaccine nationalism, the politics of the virus has taken over the scientific wisdom. The initial denial by China that is transmitted from the Wuhan Institute of Virology and its initial reluctance to allow open inspection by international agencies, till the recent observation of the WHO chief that the observations by the team might be incomplete is a classic case of political motives behind the pandemic. Not only this, the politics over the distribution of vaccines by the developed nations to the developing and underdeveloped nations have exhibited the apartheid mindset of these countries. Although India last year started the "Vaccine-Maitri" programme to counter the Chinese impact, yet the initial response of the developed countries was very Lukewarm. The wealthier nations had failed to provide equitable access to the healthcare system to countries like India. The initial refusal of the US to supply the raw material to provide enough vaccine coupled with the comments from the German Chancellor clearly shows the arrogance and post-colonial mindset of the developed nation. The USA alone had booked 40mn of Astra Zeneca vaccines and along with the other vaccines it has the stock where it can vaccinate the whole nation thrice. Greed has superseded the need for equitable distribution of life-saving drugs.

Despite the political and racial politics of the western world, scientific endeavour trumped these nations. A cursory glance at the policies adopted by these countries that are sustaining well this pandemic gives a clear picture that science trumped over the politics of COVID-19. The USA is a classic example. The erstwhile Trump administration wanted to bypass the scientific wisdom of the experts whereas the Biden administration is following the scientific wisdom of the likes of Anthony Fauci. Contrary to this, our country's governmental agencies look like a bunch of ignorant brats giving one contradictory statement after another. The trio of ICMR, NITI Aayog and DST has made a mockery of Indian scientific leadership in vision and mission towards COVID control. Their overreaching statements of conquering COVID proved to be a mockery of the scientific community. The very statement last year from the medical leadership claiming the vaccine would be ready by August 15 2020 is ample proof of the incapable leadership at these top governmental institutes. India today needs the advice and guidance of scientific experts rather than political rhetoric. Our Government failed to anticipate what's coming up. When countries like the USA and Europe witnessed 2-3 waves of the pandemic; our leadership failed to see the writing on the wall and went overboard to claim victory over the virus within less than a year. The scientific eyes and ears to the Government failed to rise to the occasion in advising the Government on real issues instead of singing what their political masters liked to hear. In a country like India, it seems the concept of ethics has gone for a toss. The arrogance of power and the lust of people to remain in the high post of political appointments have sacrificed the lives of the common man. The integrity and humane character had faded to oblivion. The earning at the cost of human lives is expressed from the facts of the hoarding of life-saving drugs like Remdesivir. Helpless patients had to buy these drugs at a price of around 30-40 thousand from the black market despite it being a regulated drug. If a patient can find the source of black marketers why Government of the day in various states with all its intelligence failed to capture the hoarders? It's a prima facie case of politician-black marketers' nexus at the cost of human lives.

The virus called COVID-19 that originated from Wuhan has rebooted human lives. People started to think of the vulnerability of human lives. Politics around the globe have started to change. New friends are being made, countries like China wanted to take control of many regions during the pandemic. Scientist around the globe is trying to discover medicines at a path-breaking speed – vaccines are the classic example. Frontline workers are working hard enough risking their lives to keep up the healthcare system of the country. Many top business houses globally had increased their wealth many folds whereas the poor lost their jobs. What is important today that we least forget the ethics of human life. Humans cannot and should not be Frankenstein to their race. Let's all pray for a healthier India and a healthier planet. But as of now, one can be optimistic.