
Shun negative attitude

Sentinel Digital Desk

Any provocative statement hurting the people of a state, particularly when it is directed against a father figure of a state, is abominable. Swargadeo Chaw-Lung-Sukafa is held with high esteem by each and every indigenous people of Assam. His royal dynasty ruled Assam for long 600 years. When a myopic person blind-folded by his parochial outlook cast aspersion on Swargadeo Sukafa and the ethnic race of Assam our Chief-minister Sarbananda Sonowal, fearing that such provocative statement might tear apart the thin fabric of communal harmony in Assam, directed the police to arrest the culprit. As the team of police reached Kolkata, the police of West-Bengal came to the person's rescue by non-cooperating our police team. The matter is very sensitive. The Union government should take it up with the West-Bengal government to nab the culprit. This unsavoury attitude shown by the Government of West-Bengal Police may sour the relations between the two states.

Ashok Bordoloi,
