
Sri Raghupati: A Milestone for the Assamese Film Industry

Sentinel Digital Desk

 Assamese cinema came into existence in 1935 with the release of the movie Joymoti, marking the birth of the Assamese film industry. Over the years, Assamese cinema has undergone significant evolution, particularly through the works of Bhabendra Nath Saikia and Jahnu Barua. Despite its rich history and notable artistic achievements, Assamese cinema has struggled to achieve widespread recognition.

The film titled ‘Sri Raghupati’, directed by Suvrat Kakoty and produced by Dhritimaan Sarma and Sailen Kumar Sharma, respectively, was released on June 2. The movie revolves around the character Raghupati Rai Baruah, an honest and dedicated ACS officer. He embarks on a determined quest to seek justice for his sister, who was subjected to a heinous rape and murder. Additionally, he strives to rescue two missing girls. During his investigation, Raghupati Rai Baruah uncovers a women’s trafficking network, which leads to increasingly complex situations.

The name Raghupati signifies the lordship of Rama. Just as Lord Shri Ram engaged in a battle against Ravana to restore justice for Sita Mata, this movie portrays a brother’s relentless fight to secure justice for his sister.

The film was skillfully directed from start to finish, establishing a strong connection with the audience. The performances of both the main cast, including Ravi Sharma, Priyam Pallabee, Arun Nath, and Siddhartha Sarma, and the supporting actors were exceptional. However, the expressions of the main lead actress, Pretty Kongana, could have been improved. Even at the age of 50, Ravi Sharma’s portrayal of the character was noteworthy, impressing us with his well-maintained physique. Throughout the years, we have witnessed his talent in movies like “Hiya Diya Niya,” “Ujanir Dujani Gabharu,” “Kokadeutar Ghor Juwai,” and many others. Therefore, it brings us immense joy to see him excel in his craft.

The quote by Henrik Ibsen, “The strongest man upon the earth is he who stands most alone,” implies that true strength lies in independence. It suggests that the strongest individuals are those who don’t rely on others for their survival. This idea is vividly portrayed in the movie when Raghupati embarks on a solitary journey to fight for justice and resign from his job.

The moment “Narayan” started playing, tears flowed uncontrollably from my eyes. The combination of the lyrics, visuals, and music in the song possesses such immense power. Pranoy Dutta’s music compositions have the ability to move people to tears in the cinema hall. The way the music seamlessly complements the scenes is truly remarkable, and credit should be given to Pradip Daimary for his excellent cinematography. Additionally, the costume designer and makeup artists have done an outstanding job. Speaking of Sri Raghupati, it is impossible not to mention Arun Nath, who flawlessly transformed himself to embody the character of Salman Khan at the age of 71.

However, the movie loses its suspense after the first half, and viewers can easily guess the story. Additionally, when compared to the other songs in the album, the ending song “Aahi Gol Raghupati” felt unnecessary, and its lyrics were not as impressive as the other songs. Despite these flaws, the movie has gained popularity among the audience, not solely due to the fan following but also because of effective publicity. However, the storyline itself is not exceptional and follows a typical Bollywood narrative. Nevertheless, the execution of the movie is well done.

The film successfully combines elements of tragedy, comedy, action, and drama, making it a significant milestone for the Assamese film industry. It has generated considerable excitement and achieved a remarkable box office collection of Rs 10 crore in just 21 days. Not only friends, but also families, have flocked to theatres to watch this movie together. It has attracted audiences from different generations, with multiple generations watching it in the same cinema hall. The film has provided families with an opportunity to spend quality time together while enjoying this cinematic experience. Regardless of its quality, this movie will be remembered by all who have seen it.