
Trigunas: The three mindsets

Sentinel Digital Desk

Dr Suman Bharali

(M.D. Ayurvedic Medicine)

These are satwa, rajas and tamas. Satwa is the pure state of the human mind. Rajas and tamas are disorders according to Ayurveda. The type of mindset a person acquires defines his personality as well as health.

With the advancement of medical science and increasing literacy levels, people have become conscious of the body, mind and soul. But most of the time people consider health as a disease-free and good-looking body. But the actual definition of health is not only the absence of any disease but the physical, mental, spiritual and social wellbeing of the person.

The mental health of a person is of tremendous importance and is often neglected. Many people suffer from different mental disorders during different stages of life but we are unaware of what to do. We feel ashamed and it is like a stigma to be diagnosed with any such disorder. But these psychological anomalies give much pain and suffering to the person who goes through such a disastrous phase. They often feel isolated, helpless and hopeless, which can lead to negative actions like hurting themselves or others etc.

When our friend, family member, colleague, neighbour, or any person we know behaves abnormally we try to avoid them and keep our distance. Often, we get embarrassed or angry at them for their behaviour. But many of their words, actions and behaviours are signs of their disturbed mind and restlessness. Some of them become abusive, angry, violent, obsessive, possessive, and egoistic and some become insecure, frightened, sad, pessimistic and hopeless. We need to pay close attention to them if their behaviour changes drastically. Proper counselling can calm down their mind and fill them with hope and positivity. Otherwise, such people usually detach themselves from others and seek isolation, don't do basic daily activities properly and don't take care of themselves. Eventually, they may harm themselves or others.

A healthy person has a sound body and mind, pure soul, clear sense organs and a positive outlook towards life. They have faith in goodness and believe that however tough a situation gets, they will overcome it as time passes. They remain patient, and tolerant and take conscious actions for that. There should not be over attachment with anything or anybody as nothing is permanent. Life continues even after heavy losses and the most damaging disasters. With strong willpower and faith, a lot of people have overcome debacles in their lives.

By understanding the three types of mindsets mentioned in ancient Indian scriptures, one can identify themselves and others and take necessary steps to improve them.

A satwik person has purity in his body, mind and spirit. They usually are free from diseases that occur due to their own mistakes. Their body is active, light, and strong and their skin seems fresh and glowing. Their aura is positive and attracts other living beings as everybody feels safe with them and trusts them. Their mind is calm, confusion-free, focused and fully conscious. Their sense organs are healthy and sharp, thereby perceiving the Universe correctly. Their words are honest, polite and positive. Their body language and attitude are gentle but confident. There is non-violence in their actions, words and thoughts. They have strong willpower and are always engaged in the welfare of all. They are aware of themselves as well as the Universe. Thus, they take proper care of themselves as well as other components of the Universe to maintain harmony.

Food has much impact on our body and mind. The diet of a satwik person is fresh, juicy, balanced with all nutrients and fibres, cooked freshly and properly. It is light and refreshing. Such a diet when cooked and served by a person with good feelings fills it with goodness. When eaten in a clean and peaceful environment without any distractions, it gives maximum benefit. The food is digested completely and assimilated properly in the body. The person feels energetic but light and remains active and sharp. Well-digested food produces fewer toxins within the body and by-products are eliminated properly keeping the gut and the body clean and healthy. The nutrients reach every part of the body and nourish the cells properly making the organs function efficiently. A properly nourished brain and sense organs give clarity and sharpness to the person and enhance his intellect. Satwik people are saintly. They are grateful for life and live joyfully and contended. They are not addicted to sensory pleasure and materialistic possessions.

Rajasik people are fighters, aggressive, dominant, brave, strong and have a good attractive physique. They are usually full of greed, lust, anger, anxiety, envy, hatred and jealousy. They are egoistic, maniac, abusive and violent in actions, words and thoughts. They remain hyperactive and sleep less. They like red, hot and bright colours, shining and glittering ornaments. They are materialistic, possessive and like to lead a glamorous life. They are obsessed with their body, looks, appearance, personality, dress, and style and remain presentable. Their body language and speech are confident and their behaviour is arrogant. They may have a bad attitude and be disobedient. They do whatever they think is right and are unpersuasive.

Rajasik people like oily, hot and spicy foods, excessive flavours, colours, and preferably a non-vegan heavy diet. These foods are not digested easily or completely, keep the gut busy and create a lot of toxins in the body. The organs remain busy and more energy is needed. They have high sugar, lipids and adrenaline rush in the body. Their sense organs are clouded so they have perverted perceptions about the Universe. They are restless, less tolerant, impatient, opportunistic, self-centred and untrustworthy. Their mind is delusional, intellect is bewildered and memory is blurred. As a result, they often take wrong decisions due to their short temper and heat of the moment. People don't feel peaceful or secure with them due to their wrong actions, words or behaviours. Sometimes they have to regret and repent for their actions.

Tamasik people are inactive, lazy, pessimistic, depressive, insecure, unaware of the Universe, undisciplined, indifferent to what's going around them and procrastinate. They don't take proper care of themselves, stay in unorganized and cluttered places, don't maintain personal hygiene and wear dirty clothes. They just complete the tasks somehow and don't bother about bringing out their best. They are hopeless about life, don't have faith in goodness and don't worry about it. They get intoxicated and remain disoriented. They are miserable, don't know their potential and worth, and develop self-pity, and resentment. If they don't take care of themselves soon, they may be annihilated in the gradual destructive lifestyle. Their appearance is ugly and dirty and they may smell foul. They are not presentable and their confidence is low. Their words are negative, illogical, irrational and depressive. They don't like people to get close to them, nor do people like to get close to them. They stay in their little cocoon and don't like to interact with people.

As they are indifferent toward everything they don't think much about the quality of food. They eat unhealthy, dirty and forbidden foods as well. They may eat stale, rotten and decayed food or foods which are preserved improperly and cooked long ago. Such food gets fermented inside the gut and liberates a lot of toxins and undigested byproducts. As a result, their intestines are clogged and the food is not absorbed properly. As a result, the cells don't receive a proper blood supply with oxygen and nutrients. Also, due to toxins, the organs degenerate rapidly. They remain lethargic, sleepy and out of energy. They remain sick and miserable due to a bad lifestyle.

In Bhagwad Gita, Chapter 14, Lord Krishna has described the three modes of material nature to Arjuna. From there we can understand Satwa, Raja and Tama clearly. By better understanding the mind, we can take conscious actions for the betterment of ourselves as well as others. We should become an asset to our family and society rather than a liability.