
WFH option

Sentinel Digital Desk

Life has come to a standstill post-corona pandemic crisis since December 2019. Many businesses and employers are now opting to a complete social distancing norm by adopting 'Work from Home' (WFH) strategy. The WFH option erstwhile considered to be niche choice for some of the employees in IT sector is now witnessing robust usage across all sectors. WFH implementation has witnessed a boost in productivity and efficiency while promoting to the cause of reduced carbon emissions and cleaner air.

The new policy is now looked upon by each and every organization as a key opportunity to boost employees' morale, thereby increasing business revenue. WFH has not only helped businesses to cut costs on employees in the offices but has also promoted a balanced work culture across organizations. HR experts and specialists are now sensing this as an opportunity as one of the main focus areas to promote employees' well-being apart from promoting talent and thus helping the businesses to sustain in a volatile and competitive market.

The WFH as an enabler will also help employees to maintain work-life balances as the same promotes zero carbon emissions and thus causes lesser traffic jams in cities due to reduced mobility. Employees no longer need to work hard to reach office and thus otherwise get affected by office environment to boost productivity. The new working pattern has created a furore of opportunities to work remotely thereby benefiting both the employees and employers to achieve efficiency. Hence until the pandemic settles down, WFH option should be exploited to its fullest extent and thus make an optimum utilization of talent and skills contributed by employees to the business.

Varun Dambal,


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