
Effective gadgets for an urban Indian woman's safety and wellbeing

Sentinel Digital Desk

Women often are a vulnerable lot when it comes to public safety. Unpleasant and unwanted actions of lecherous men abound in the streets and some public spaces. Not just this women and young girls are susceptible to physical abuse and physical harm even in closed and familiar settings. Therefore the importance of carrying their own safety ammunition cannot be overemphasized. Pepper spray products like a Bodyguard Spray acts as a veritable self defense equipment against petty and serious attacks and assaults. 

Technology is an inseparable factor of daily urban life. It plays an important role in shaping our work and lifestyle. In earlier times, human beings had to execute all tasks physically and this entailed time and labour. Today most manual tasks are simplified by technological gadgets. Simply stated technological gadgets help us to save and gain time and energy.

It is generally believed (also witnessed) that women by nature are good at multi-tasking. The average urban woman can effortlessly carry out a mundane household chore while making a sophisticated PowerPoint work presentation while she is home. And this is not an exaggeration. Actually compared to men, women (in general) have to cater to a greater number of social expectations by way of family events and gatherings, parties, ritual ceremonies etc. Each of these social situations requires her to put her best foot forward both in terms of appearance and overall organisation (irrespective of whether she is the host or the guest). This is where the average urban Indian woman relies on technological gadgets to a large extent.

While we are all apprised of gadgets like washing machines, dish washers, electric kettles, hair dryers, battery operated cleaning mops etc there are numerous other popular gadgets that are taking centrestage in a woman's daily life. Some are for utility and simplification of work, others are for enhancing physical appearance while there are some gadgets that are indispensable in terms of safety.

Here are some such gadgets:

Dayton Electric ABS Blackhead Remover Vaccum

Essentially engineered to remove blackheads, the Dayton Blackhead Remover Vaccum makes it easier to remove dirt and excess oil from the pores of the face. By facilitating a thorough clean up through deep suction techniques, it helps to improve overall appearance. It is therefore a go-to gadget for personal upkeep.

Bodyguard Spray

Women often are a vulnerable lot when it comes to public safety. Unpleasant and unwanted actions of lecherous men abound in the streets and some public spaces. Not just this women and young girls are susceptible to physical abuse and physical harm even in closed and familiar settings. Therefore the importance of carrying their own safety ammunition cannot be overemphasized.

Pepper spray products like a Bodyguard Spray acts as a veritable self defense equipment against petty and serious attacks and assaults. In fact pepper sprays become very helpful if a woman is suddenly attacked by goons or miscreants. It can just be sprayed on the face and eyes of the assailants as an act of self-protection. The Bodyguard Spray is certified under OECD international guidelines and has been tested for quality use. It is very easily available in the market and affordable too. It costs less than 200 rupees.

Pripaso Personal Alarm

Another effective gadget for a woman is the Pripaso Personal Alarm that can be used in dangerous situations. The gadget triggers an alarm of 130 DB and this alarm can be heard far away by people apprising them of any critical or emergency situations. This safety gadget also features an LED light that can be utilised while walking down a silent dark street. This product comes in a range of attractive designs. Infact many women hang this gadget conspicuously on their bags or purses because it looks attractive.

Eyewatch SOS for Women

This gadget captures sounds (audios) as well as videos around a woman and sends it to her registered contacts with an alert message. This app is said to be very handy particularly during travel and can work without GPRS. It also features a security check component. When the user arrives safely in her location, she can click the 'I'm safe' button to notify her contacts.

Infinity oven

As per World Health Organization, three billion people in the world use open fires or stoves for keeping their houses warm and for cooking food. This incidentally applies to the urban educated people too. Approximately four million people die (every year) from illnesses that are caused by the air pollution arising from these procedures. To counter this, an appliance like Infinity Oven can be very helpful as it is low cost and solar powered. The oven is made from recycled oil drums and other local materials that can reach a temperature of 220 degree.

Panasonic Water Purifier

With a smart water purifier at one's disposal, one need not constantly keep boiling and cooling water for drinking purposes. This saves times and ensures complete insulation against water borne diseases too. Panasonic has developed a solar powered water purifier that uses Titanium Oxide and Zeolite as a photo catalyst which, after exposing to UV rays removes the toxic substances from water immediately. This product is very beneficial for the Indian market as more than half of the population do not have access to clean drinking water.

Room humidifier

Women are generally uber conscious about their skin's nourishment and they are forever looking at ways to keep their skin glowing and healthy. While many spend almost astronomical amounts on moisturizers, lotions or creams they struggle to retain the necessary levels of moisture when it (moisture) is absent from the surrounding environment. So the room humidifier is truly a boon for women living in dry climates and for all women during the dry winter months. A humidifier is not very expensive, so it can also be gifted to loved ones. This gadget functions by emitting a cool mist, water vapour or ultrasonic frequencies that signal water droplets in a room in order to enhance the humidity level. The Humidifier if properly utilized, can also be very effective for improving the quality of the skin. It also helps in developing the respiratory system, by providing a clean dust free space to breathe.

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