
Hard Talk about the Heart of Assamese Cinema

Sentinel Digital Desk

Please tell us everything about the plotline of Upasharga? What was your inspiration behind making this movie? Could you share a little about the cast and production direction crew? How and why you chose them specifically?

Upasharga is basically a crime thriller with a generous dose of humour elements. The story revolves around two simple villagers who are friends and practice traditional folk culture. The dream of becoming rich overnight compels them to take a wrong course of action and subsequently they face a set of unprecedented circumstances. The desire for money applies to everyone in today's society. While I was roaming in specific villages dotting the riverside of our state, I met various people with various dimension of problems. However, common to all their problems was money. So I decided to make a film on this realisation by choosing some exotic locations. There are many films that have already been made to highlight the universal problems of mankind. Therefore I decided to go for a different treatment and steer the script like a thriller movie.

The cast is basically very new but I had to go through a hectic and rigorous process to choose them from among many. The cast comprises of Kingkar Nath, Anil Nath, Rajashree Sharma, Chandan Kashyap, Nilima Deka and Rahul Deka, among others. The crew members are Chida Bora who is the cinematographer, Dhiraj Majumdar who is the editor, Sourav Mahanta who is in charge of music and Debajit Gayan, who is in charge of sound design. Our DI colourist is Shyamal Das.

How is this movie different or similar from the crop of recent Assamese movies? Is there any social message?

It is a very organic movie based on the life and emotions of rural Assamese people. The basic plotline revolves around how greed can unsettle the minds of simple people and how consequently situations can get out of control, often beyond one's imagination.

What about the distribution strategy? Are you looking for an OTT release too?

It is running in theatre halls across Assam. Eventually we will think of tapping the OTT platform if we get some good opportunity.

What are your views on the changing landscape of Assamese cinema? Are the films evolving and improving adequately enough in terms of production styles, genres explored and overall treatment (direction wise).

Assamese cinema is changing and grabbing attention worldwide, which is very good. There are lots of sensible and honest filmmakers who are now getting noticed from this region. New genres are emerging in Assamese films. There are films made on contemporary subjects and on roadtrips. There are comedy films, films laced with dark humour, socio political thrillers and many more. Although these new genres are evolving in the Assamese film industry I personally feel that there is a big gap between the makers and the common movie goers. I feel that the experimental movies are being ignorant about audience preferences. We have seen in many other states of India that people are accepting new genres but somehow I feel people here a bit reluctant to accept new things in films.

What are some of the pressing challenges that the Assamese film industry is facing today? Any specific opportunities that you see?

Well I want to say something directly. Film is a product, a product for entertainment and a product for intellect improvement. To sell a product more you need more displaying places. The exponential growth of movie displaying places can only meet this need.

Finally what is your vision as a filmmaker? Also please share your journey as a filmmaker?

I want to make really good movies which cater to the maximum number of people and are not just confined in one place.

I have made two short films. The first 'Shattered Dream', was telecasted at NDTV profit prime and the second 'Sita', had featured at the short film corner of Cannes in 2015. 'Beautiful Lives' is my first feature film that was released in 2017 for which I got the Best Director Award at Prag Cine Award and the Best Debut Director Award at Assam State Film Festival . Upasharga is my second feature film.

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