
Netflix show ‘Wave Makers’ creates waves in Taiwan

Sentinel Digital Desk

Art is a reflection of the society. Paintings, movies, music, and even TV shows can help be a mirror. Proving this, a Netflix show has sparked a local MeToo movement in Taiwan. The country is experiencing a surge of sexual harassment and assault allegations, triggered by the show called ‘Wave Makers’.

Over the past two weeks, more than 90 people have come forward, accusing individuals across the island nation. Initially, the allegations focused on politics and the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), leading to the resignation of several senior officials.

However, now the accusations have spread throughout Taiwanese society, targeting doctors, professors, sporting umpires, and YouTubers.

As per a BBC report, the MeToo moment is long overdue for many women across Taiwanese society, which is otherwise commended globally for its progressive politics and commitment to gender equality.

President Tsai Ing-wen, the country’s first female leader, has apologised and pledged to implement reforms. According to social commentator Dr Liu Wen, the magnitude of these revelations and the exposure of underlying issues across various industries is unprecedented. “Previously we had single cases around sexual harassment, but never in such magnitude.” “It’s the first time a lot of the underlying issues in different industries are being revealed all at the same time,” added Wen.

The screen inspiration behind this important local moment as mentioned is a Netflix show called Wave Makers. The show about Taiwanese political staffers working on an election debuted on Netflix in late April.

A scene from the show has been credited as the clarion call for the MeToo moment now sweeping Taiwan.

In it, a young female aide finds herself alone with her mentor — a party spokeswoman and the show’s main character.

On-screen, she is seen debating whether to confide in her senior the harassment she had endured from a male colleague “knowing that a public report would harm the party’s standing and likely her own career”, writes the BBC. However, she finally decides to tell her and her confession is met with an offer of help. (Agencies)

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