
Shipra Khanna on dichotomy of cooking: Running a professional kitchen, cooking for leisure - IANS Interview

Sentinel Digital Desk

Shipra Khanna, one of India's prominent culinary stars, has made significant contributions to the country's food landscape. Her journey into televised cooking began with winning the second season of 'MasterChef India.'

Since then, Shipra has appeared on numerous cooking shows in India and abroad, establishing herself as one of the most successful 'MasterChef' winners globally, with over a decade of experience in television.

Cooking is often praised for its therapeutic effects, helping to calm the nerves of the person who is handling the process.

However, there's another side of the coin, cooking and running a professional kitchen presents a different challenge, often leading to chaos, especially during peak times like weekends and holidays.

In an interview with IANS, Shipra acknowledged the dual nature of cooking for leisure versus running a professional kitchen, noting that each comes with its own charm and set of challenges.

She told IANS: "When I cook at home, it's a meditative experience. The rhythmic chopping, the aroma of spices, and the joy of preparing something delicious for loved ones are incredibly therapeutic. It allows me to slow down and savour the process."

Her journey in the culinary world has been a source of inspiration for many food enthusiasts.

When asked, in hindsight, what were some of her key decisions or innovations that brought her the kind of success that everyone dreams of, Shipra told IANS: "My journey has been deeply fulfilling, and looking back, several key decisions and innovations have shaped my path. First and foremost, participating in and winning MasterChef India was a pivotal moment. It gave me a platform to showcase my culinary skills and connect with a broader audience." Shipra also highlighted her embrace of fusion cuisine, blending traditional Indian flavours with global influences, as a significant factor in her success.

Cooking for home chefs in India saw a sea change, with the satellite of which 'MasterChef India' takes a huge chunk of credit. How has the scenario changed in the face of the Internet revolution and technological advancements?

Shipra told IANS: "'MasterChef India' revolutionised the culinary landscape by bringing gourmet cooking into Indian homes. It empowered home chefs to experiment and dream big. The advent of the Internet and advancements in technology, like 4G and now 5G, have further transformed this landscape." (IANS)

Also Read: Masterchef India runner-up Nambie Jessica Marak joins NPP in Meghalaya

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