
Benefits of Drinking Water...Especially in Summer

Sentinel Digital Desk

We often take things for granted which are easily available to us. Well, humans can live without food for a few days yet water is indispensable even for a day. We often overlook the ramifications of not drinking adequate water until we contend with the consequences.

Headaches, skin problems, digestion issues are some common ailments that arise out of low water intake. Particularly in tropical climates like ours where people sweat a lot, regular water intake is very necessary to defeat exhaustion. Even conservatively speaking, the human body is formed with not less than 70 percent of water.

Water among other health benefits also flushes toxins that are the root cause of diseases. Drinking a large quantity of water in summers and monsoons is even more pressing in terms of boosting the immune system, preserving overall energy levels and even strengthening mental alertness. Aches and pains and muscle pain too can be mitigated with adequate water intake. After all adequate water in the body helps to facilitate the judicious flow of fluids in our body that are pivotal to body functions.

Experts have been recommending lukewarm or boiled water as a precaution against indigestion, piles and even intestinal cancer. It is not an exaggeration to say that water is the central fluid/force that keeps the human body and anatomy alive, productive and in an overall state of wellbeing. Simply put water is life.

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