
Dragon Fruits and its Health Benefits

Sentinel Digital Desk

Dragon fruit is a tropical fruit known for its vibrant red skin and sweet seed speckled pulp. It is an indigenous fruit of the United State, but it is also mostly cultivated in tropical countries like Mexico, Southeast Asia, India, the Caribbean, Australia, Mesoamerica and throughout tropical and subtropical world regions.

It is a member of the Cactaceae family, so it takes less water to cultivate. One doesn't have to live in the tropics to eat dragon fruits, nowadays it is found in every supermarket in every region.

Another name for dragon fruit is Pitahaya or strawberry pear. Its unique look and acclaimed superfood power have made it popular among foodies in the health-conscious.

Dragon Fruit Nutrition:

It tastes very pulpy which means it's high in vitamin C. The major nutrients in this fruit are carbohydrate which mainly has sugar and dietary fiber. It also has minerals, mainly calcium and sodium.

The nutrition facts for a serving of 3.5 ounces, or 100 grams:

· Calories: 60

· Protein: 1.2 grams

· Fat: 0 grams is the major health benefit

· Carbs: 13 grams

· Fiber: 3 grams

· Vitamin C: 3% of the RDI which is a good antioxidant

· Iron: 4% of the RDI

· Magnesium: 10% of the RDI

Dragon Fruit Health Benefits:

1] It acts as an antioxidant due to the presence of Vitamin C. It helps in the management of chronic diseases like heart disease, cancer, diabetes arthritis etc. It also helps in cell damage prevention.

2] It stabilizes blood sugar levels by suppressing sugar spikes which can control diabetes.

3] Dragon fruit will keep you full as it is fat-free and high in fibre.

4] Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties can protect the immune system from a variety of illnesses, which can include infections, flu, and common cold as well.

5] Dragon Fruit is low in cholesterol and is saturated and Trans fat. Regular consumption helps to maintain a healthy heart. This fruit helps decrease bad cholesterol levels and replenish good levels.

6] For those who are in a weight loss regime, it is a beneficial fruit. Moreover, the seeds present in the fruit are loaded with omega 3 fatty acids which are essential for well-being.

7] Promotes a healthy gut. This fruit contains pre-biotic that can potentially balance good bacteria in the gut.

8] The exotic fruit is commonly used as a natural remedy for beauty because of high in antioxidants and fibre.

How to Eat Dragon Fruit:

Like any other tropical fruit, dragon fruit is can also be eaten raw, but there are many ways one can eat dragon fruit to bring a little bit of flavour:

1] Smoothie

Slice dragon fruit into small pieces or take a spoon and take out scoops the creamy white part

Take mint leaves and chop them into small pieces

Now, in a blender, add yoghurt.

Blend until no lumps are formed

Pour the mix in the glass and serve with ice and fresh mint leaves

 2] Fruit Salad

Red Dragon Fruit

White Dragon Fruit




Macadamia Nuts

Unsweetened Coconut

1 tbsp honey

1 tbsp lemon juice

1 tbsp chopped mint leaves

Salt and pepper to taste

 3] Juice

1] Cut the fruit into two.

2] Scoop the pulp with a spoon and transfer to a blender.

3] Add sugar

4] Blend well it and serve.

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