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Harnessing Generative AI to Address Healthcare's Most Pressing Challenges

Sentinel Digital Desk

A new technology called generative AI (gen AI), powered by GPT-4, demonstrated how healthcare providers could use new platforms to quickly convert patient interactions into clinician notes.

Here's how it works: a healthcare provider uses a mobile app on the AI platform to record a patient visit. The platform immediately adds the patient's details, identifies any missing information, and prompts the provider to complete it.

This turns the spoken information into a structured note using natural language. After the visit, the provider reviews the AI-generated notes on a computer. They can edit these notes by voice or typing before submitting them to the patient's electronic health record (EHR). This process is nearly instant, making the traditional manual note-taking and administrative tasks seem outdated and time-consuming in comparison.

Gen-AI technology uses advanced learning algorithms to generate various types of content like text, audio, and code. It's especially useful for analyzing unstructured data—information that isn't organized in a specific way, which can be challenging to analyze.

This technology is particularly promising for healthcare operations, where there's a lot of unstructured data like clinical notes, medical images, and recordings. This unstructured data can be analyzed on its own or combined with structured data sets, such as insurance claims, to gain valuable insights.

In hospitals and medical practices, gen-AI technology could impact a wide range of areas, from ensuring consistent care for patients to improving how clinics and hospitals are run, and even affecting how contracts are managed and corporate tasks are handled.

For example, let's look at how it could affect the corporate side of a hospital. Functions like finance and staffing, which are essential for the hospital's operation, often work independently, using manual processes and separate systems that don't easily share or combine data.

Gen AI could use unstructured data related to purchasing and accounts payable. It could also use AI-powered chatbots to handle common IT and HR questions from hospital employees. This could improve the overall employee experience and potentially reduce the time and money spent on hospital administrative costs.

Using gen AI in healthcare could revolutionize the industry, but it's crucial for leaders to first assess their operations, workforce, and technology.

Here are some steps they could take:

1. Evaluate Current Capabilities: Understand the current state of your operations, including existing technology and talent.

2. Identify Opportunities: Determine where gen AI could have the most significant impact, such as improving patient care or streamlining administrative tasks.

3. Develop a Strategy: Create a plan for implementing gen AI, including goals, timelines, and resource allocation.

4. Invest in Training: Ensure your workforce is prepared to work with gen AI by providing training and support.

5. Monitor Progress: Continuously assess the impact of gen AI on your organization and make adjustments as needed.

Gen AI could revolutionize many aspects of healthcare in ways we haven't seen with current technologies. As gen AI develops further, it could also combine with other emerging technologies like virtual and augmented reality, as well as other forms of AI, to completely change how healthcare is provided.