Exercises To Reduce Belly Fat
Exercises To Reduce Belly Fat 

Top 15 Exercises To Reduce Belly Fat: Tips To Burn Calories

Sentinel Digital Desk

Your fitness journey can be influenced by a lot of factors; whether it is wanting to change your appearance or to improve your athletic performance. Belly fat is one of the most common issues faced by people, which can largely affect their self-confidence.

Also known as visceral fat, it is very stubborn and challenging to get rid of. We tend to store fat primarily due to genetics and hormonal factors. Most fitness instructors or trainers will suggest certain exercises in order to reduce your excess belly fat but that simply will not give you the desired results. Spot reduction of fat is not attainable.

We lose fat proportionately throughout our body with diet and exercise. In addition, you also need to be in a calorie deficit if you want to see desirable change in your body.

A balanced full body routine and diet will help you reduce belly fat and achieve your body goals. Here are 15 exercises that can help you to reduce belly fat at home:

1. Walking: Walking is the simplest yet most effective form of cardio. Brisk walking for 30 minutes or more every day early morning or after lunch is an excellent way to burn fat.

2. Burpee: Burpee is a vigorous exercise that pushes you to work your muscles as much as possible. Start from a push-up position to a jump and back to a push-up position.

3. Mountain Climbers: This core strengthening exercise requires you to stay in a plank position while drawing one knee to your chest at a time.

4. Squat Punch: To perform squat punches, squat down with your hands together in front. Once your thighs are parallel to the floor, squeeze your glute as you come up and punch one arm forward. Every time you come up, punch your arms alternatively.

5. Elbow Knee Touch: This effective rotational exercise hits your obliques and helps you reduce belly fat. Start with legs wide apart, hands behind your head, crunch your abs and twist your torso as you raise one knee up to touch your opposite elbow. Do this alternatively on both sides.

6. Inch Worm: Inch worm helps you burn calories by focusing on your core. Place your palms on the floor and walk your hands forward until you reach a high plank position. Hold your core tight and hold your body straight. Then walk your hand back to your feet and stand straight.

7. Knees up Crunches: This exercise puts emphasis on the upper abdomen while working on your core strength. Lie on your back and lift your legs up with your knees bent. Put your hands behind your head, crunch your abs to lift your shoulders off the ground and towards your knees.

8. Russian Twist: Focus on driving your elbows back behind your body to ensure effective rotation and full contraction of your obliques.

9. Rotating Toe Touches: Keep your feet wider than your shoulder width apart. Stretch out your arms straight in a T shape and touch your toes working on the T-spine rotation.

10. High Knee: Elbows bent and put forward, lift up your knee to your chest and touch the palm of your hand. Repeat this on the other side.

11. Jumping Jacks: Stand with your feet together and place your hands side-wise. Jump up to spread your feet shoulder width part while raising your arms above your head, simultaneously. Reverse the movement and repeat.

12. Skipping: Skipping or jumping rope for 30-40 minutes every day burn calories very effectively, while boosting your metabolism.

13. Crab Walk: In half squat, step one foot to the side, followed by the other. Squat lower as this exercise works on your lower abdomen, glutes and abs.

14. Standing Ab Bike: This exercise requires you to focus crunching your abs to lift your knee up and twist your torso for every rep. This perfect fat burning workout is an excellent way to burn abdominal fat, thus reducing belly fat.

15. Lunges: Lunges help in working on your lower body and hip flexibility. This workout requires you to step forward and lower your hips until both knees are bent at about 900 angles. Alternate between both legs while concentrating tension on your abs and glutes.