
Today's Horoscope Prediction – 8th February 2024: Leo, Libra, etc Zodiac Sunshine Birthday Forecast

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8th February 2024 - Daily Horoscope Prediction by Rashi: Your one-stop place to check your today's astrology prediction. Let’s check what's your star telling about you & sunshine.

Birthday Forecast for 8th February 2024

Moon conjunct Mars on your solar return chart will give you mixed results. Professionally work moves along smoothly and keeps you busy. New projects and assignments would be met with delays. Some emotional issues may deter your progress. It is a good period to revive and renew your contacts as their help can prove very useful. Financially you will be stable however there would be some difficulty in realizing your own payments.  Family get-together will be held where you meet many relatives.  Some family vacation plans can also materialize.  Travel will pay off but you need to be judicious in your selection of the appropriate trip. Do not dissipate your energy in many directions.

8th February 2024 Birthday Forecast

Your Daily Horoscope Prediction 8th February 2024:

Lucky dates: 8, 17, 26

Lucky days: Monday, Wednesday, Saturday 

Lucky colours: White, Purple, All shades of blue, Black

Check below your horoscope astrology prediction as per your Rashi.

Aries : (March 21 - April 20)

It is going to be a tough day for you. You could be framed in a false case. Someone whom you trusted could betray you. And could take advantage of your gentle behaviour. This will taste your nerves. You will appear out of shorts. But with the support of family and friends you will regroup your energy. And will take the bull by the horns. You will come out winner.

Taurus : (April 21 - May 21)

It is going to be a very favourable time period. There are chances of getting promoted in your job. Those in business will make profit. You will be kept busy. A person may come in your life all of a sudden. Before you can realize anything you will find yourself in love with this exceptional person. You will feel nice in his / her company.

Gemini : (May 22 - June 21)

You will be having ample opportunities in your job and business. Your financial condition will also keep getting better. And you will be given additional responsibility at your work place. Your bosses will discuss something important with you. And will rely on you to get the work done. You will not disappoint them.

Cancer : (June 22 - July 22)

Today you will be making good progress in your work / business. It will be an important time in your career. And you will get out of problems too. You will be receiving good financial benefits which will make you secure. You will plan with your mate to buy some property. You can also undertake renovation / decoration of your house.

Leo : (July  23 - August 23)

It will be a testing day. You will suffer some business losses. A big order or deal could get cancelled. This will make you feel a little dejected. Financially also your condition will be bad. There can be minor tiff between husband and wife. But you will have feeling of love for your mate soon.

Virgo : (August 24 - September 22)

Today you will feel very positive about future prospects. This situation too will be in your favour. You will give a glimpse of your abilities through your work. Your bosses will be very happy with your efforts. Your ties with in-laws will get better. You will also receive an important message from some influential person.

Libra : (September 23 - October 23)

It is not going to be a very favourable day for you. You will have tussle with your labours and could face some legal problems too. Your bosses will also not be very happy with your attitude and behavior at your work place. Some person also might complain against you. But gradually you will overcome all these difficulties.

Scorpio : (October 24 - November 22)

It is going to be an amazing day. You will spend lavishly to make your life style better. Something new and exciting will take place in your romantic life. It can be entry of a person all of a sudden. Money inflow will be continuous. You will also hold fruitful discussions with your seniors which will open your door for future.

Sagittarius : (November 23 - December 21)

Today you will do introspection and self-analysis of your own behaviour and will be surprised at some of your weaknesses. You will resolve to overcome them gradually. The obstacles in your life will also get resolved slowly and slowly. Your relations with family member and friends too will show a marked improvement.

Capricorn : (December 22 - January 20)

It will turn out to be a very exciting day for you. Your mate will come up to your expectations and will do everything to keep you busy. He / she will have something exciting in store for you. This will surprise you and also make you happy. Your relations will get better. Both of you will come closer. Financial position will remain stable.

Aquarius : (January 21 - February 18)

It is going to be a wonderful day. Your relations with peers and superiors will improve. You will get evolved with your work and will be imaginative and creative. You will impress one and all by your sincerity and dedication. You will keep getting regular financial benefits. A short term affair with some person is also indicated.

Pisces : (February 19 - March 20)

It is going to be an exciting day for you. You will be planning for an auspicious function in your family. Peace and harmony will prevail at your home. Your mate will be very happy and cheerful. Near and dear ones will come closer. But you need to keep a check on your expenses. You will also be making new friends.