International News

Boris Johnson Quits as UK PM, Says 'Sad to Give Up Best Job in The World'

Sentinel Digital Desk

London: Boris Johnson resigned as the Prime Minister of the UK on July 7. The embattled PM has also agreed to step down as the Conservative Party leader.

However, 58-year-old Johnson will remain in charge at 10 Downing Street until the process of electing a new leader is completed by the time of the Conservative Party conference, scheduled for October.

This move comes in the wake of high political drama, following which Johnson was abandoned by his newly-appointed ministers.

Almost 30 UK government officials, including key figures like UK Health Secretary Sajid Javid and Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak, have already submitted their resignations over the recent scandal involving former deputy chief whip Christopher Pincher.

It comes after the party gate scandal of COVID law-breaking parties in Downing Street came to light, which had led to a no-confidence vote last month which Johnson just about managed to survive.

Meanwhile, shortly after his resignation, Boris Johnson addressed the nation, wherein, he said that in politics, no one is "remotely indispensable". He also promised to give the new leader as much support as he can. Johnson thanked the British public "for the immense privilege you have given me".

During his address, he also said, "To the public, I know there will be many who are relieved," and added, "I am sad to be giving up the best job in the world."

He further went on to say that he will extend all his support to the new PM who will continue to cut the burden on families and businesses.

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