International News

China, US need to have dialogue: Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi to US Secretary of State Antony

Sentinel Digital Desk

WASHINGTON:Visiting Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi told US Secretary of State Antony Blinken that the world’s two biggest economies “need to have dialogue” following a period of volatile bilateral relations.

Yi, who is in the US on a four-day official visit, also said that “not only should we resume dialogue, the dialogue should be in-depth and comprehensive so that with dialogue we can increase mutual understanding, reduce misunderstanding and misjudgment, constantly seek to expand common ground and pursue cooperation that will benefit both sides so that we can stabilise China-US relations and return it to the track of healthy, stable, and sustainable development”.

He made the remarks to reporters before a one-on-one meeting with Blinken which is part of a reciprocal visit following the Secretary’s travel to Beijing and recent high-level meetings as part of ongoing efforts to maintain open lines of communication and responsibly manage US-China relations, according to the State Department.

The top Chinese diplomat noted that “we have disagreements; we have differences. At the same time, we also share important common interests and we face challenges that we need to respond together”.

He also said that “from time to time there will be some jarring voices” in the bilateral ties.

When that happens, Wang said, “China treats it calmly because we are of the view what is right and what is wrong is not determined by who has the stronger arm or a louder voice”.

On his part, Blinken said that he “agreed with what the Foreign Minister said”, adding that he “very much look forward to constructive conversations over the next two days”.

Following the meeting, the State Department said that Blinken and Wang “discussed a range of bilateral, regional, and global issues, including addressing areas of difference as well as exploring areas of cooperation”. (IANS)

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