International News

CPEC Authority Bill passed by Pakistan's key committee

Sentinel Digital Desk

ISLAMABAD: The National Assembly Standing Committee on Planning and Development cleared the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) Authority Bill 2020 with majority despite members belonging to the opposition parties strongly opposed the bill.

Former minister for planning AhsanIqbal opposed the bill and presented seven reasons for opposition to creation of the CPEC authority. However, after conducting heated debate, the NA panel passed the CPEC authority bill with majority, The News reported.

The National Assembly standing committee held its meeting under chairmanship of Junaid Akbar.

Iqbal, who belongs to Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz), gave a note of dissent in writing. "Creation of CPEC authority is superfluous and unnecessary," he said. "Ministry of planning has discharged the role diligently and effectively in the past."

The ex-minister said effective implementation of CPEC demands the line ministries to perform their role properly and with full ownership. Creation of separate CPEC authority will create confusion and conflict between the authority and ministries.

"CPEC authority will make CPEC top heavy with members and will become parallel Planning Commission with little vitality and real role but create another white elephant," he said. "For success of CPEC, if there are gaps to be filled those require strengthening of line ministries."

In the initial phase, ministries were empowered for next levels. Now, the Board of Investment, Commerce, agriculture, industries and other relevant ministries should be strengthened instead of creating a super structure of CPEC. (IANS)