International News

Crisis of Humanity in Myanmar: 13 Killed, Scores Injured

Sentinel Digital Desk

YANGON: Humanity in Myanmar has touched all time low when the military deployed to deal with the rebels, allegedly killed at least 13 people, mostly school going children in an air strike, sending shockwaves across the world.

The tragic incident in the abode of Aung San Suu Kyi took place a couple of days back when an army helicopter opened fire at a school housed in a Buddhist monastery in a village without confirming the presence of rebels.

The offensive was allegedly inhuman, where some villagers were killed from a point blank range. Some others in the tiny hamlet died after the military forces conducted an operation to flush out the alleged rebels. The military forces engaged in the counter insurgency operation thought it to be a shelter of the rebels.

The details of the bloodbath remained unknown since the media was not allowed to visit the spot. However, some others managed to flee from the spot.

The military junta admitted to the strike in the school in Sagain region. But in the same breath, they rejected the accusations made by the shadow government that it killed the students during the strike. According to the army authority, the offensive was launched in Let Yet Kone accusing the rebel groups like Kachin Independence Army, and People's Defence Force (PDF)of using school goers as the shields.

National Unity Government (NUG), the pro-democracy shadow government slammed the junta accusing them of targetting the schools. Twenty other students and teachers are learnt to have been detained during the strike. The NUG further demanded unconditional release of the students and teachers.

Law and order in Myanmar has gone from bad to worse after the armed forces over powered the elected government last year. Many armed rebels have emerged forcing the army to be engaged in the counter insurgency operation.

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