International News

Diplomatic Tensions Escalate: Indian High Commissioner Denied Entry to Scottish Gurdwara

Sentinel Digital Desk

OTTAWA: In a recent incident that has further exacerbated diplomatic tensions, Vikram Doraiswami, the Indian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, was blocked from entering a gurdwara in Scotland on Friday. This incident comes amidst an ongoing diplomatic row between India and Canada, centered on the killing of the alleged terrorist, Hardeep Singh Nijjar.

The details of the event unfold as Doraiswami was stopped by a group of radical British Sikh activists who emphatically conveyed to him that he was "not welcome." Shedding light on the incident, a pro-Khalistan Sikh activist revealed that they had learned of Doraiswami's scheduled meeting with the Glasgow Gurdwara committee on Albert Drive.

"A few people turned up and told him he was not welcome. There was a slight confrontation," the activist disclosed. However, it appears that the gurdwara committee might not have been entirely supportive of this stance. Nevertheless, the activist firmly asserted, "Indian officials are not welcome in any gurdwara in the UK."

The root cause of these tensions lies in the escalating dispute between New Delhi and Ottawa. It began when Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau alleged, on September 18, the "potential" involvement of Indian agents in the killing of Hardeep Singh Nijjar in June. India vehemently rejected these allegations, deeming them "absurd" and "motivated." In a retaliatory move, India expelled a senior Canadian diplomat, mirroring Ottawa's earlier expulsion of an Indian official over the same case.

Simultaneously, sources have revealed that pro-Khalistan elements based in Canada have been enticing vulnerable Sikh youth to immigrate to North America by sponsoring their visas. Their sole objective is believed to be to utilize these individuals to advance their agenda within Canadian borders.

This incident involving the Indian High Commissioner being barred from a Scottish gurdwara underscores the growing tensions surrounding the Hardeep Singh Nijjar case. It is emblematic of the broader dispute between India and Canada, which has seen both nations exchange accusations and expulsions of diplomatic personnel.

As the situation continues to evolve, it remains to be seen whether diplomatic channels can be used to defuse tensions and bring about a resolution to the underlying issues. The incident in Scotland serves as a stark reminder of the challenges involved in managing complex international disputes and the significant role that diaspora communities can play in such matters.

The diplomatic crisis between India and Canada deepens with the Indian High Commissioner being denied entry to a Scottish gurdwara. This incident is emblematic of the broader dispute surrounding the killing of Hardeep Singh Nijjar and the allegations of Indian involvement by the Canadian Prime Minister. The tensions between the two nations are further fueled by the activities of pro-Khalistan elements in Canada, who are accused of recruiting Sikh youth for their agenda. Diplomatic efforts will be crucial in resolving this complex and sensitive situation.