International News

Ex-Malaysian PM’s wife Rosmah Mansor attends hearing

Sentinel Digital Desk

Kuala Lumpur: Rosmah Mansor, wife of former Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak took the stand on Wednesday in a court here for the first time in connection with a trial over three corruption charges.

Mansor, 68, has been charged with accepting three bribes, worth a total of 194 million ringgit ($47 million) in 2016 in exchange for helping a private company secure the contract of a solar energy project for 369 rural schools in the state of Sarawak, situated in the Borneo province. If found guilty, she will be jailed for 20 years. The company, Jepak Holdings, had secured the “Project Bersepadu System Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Hybrid” - valued at 1.25 billion ringgit - without an open tender.

In the first hearing of the trial in the Kuala Lumpur High Court - postponed on Monday after Mansor skipped the court appearance citing medical problems - two of the prosecution witnesses began testifying, with prosecutors aiming to present direct evidence of the alleged crimes committed by the former first lady. (IANS)