International News

G20 on global challenges

Sentinel Digital Desk

ROME: On the eve of the 16th G20 Summit in Rome, leaders of several multinational organizations called on the group comprising 19 of the biggest economies plus the European Union (EU) to strengthen joint efforts to address global challenges.

There were "dangerous levels of mistrust" between nations, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said on Friday, hoping that the forthcoming summit, which will take place this weekend, could help address this predicament, reports Xinhua news agency.

Guterres also urged the group, which covers almost two-thirds of the world's population, about 86 per cent of the global Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and 75 per cent of global trade, to deliver more aid to poor countries, through debt relief and increased access to Covid-19 vaccinations.

Before leaving from Brussels for Rome, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said on Thursday that the G20 would commit to the goal of having 70 per cent of the global population fully vaccinated by mid-2022, pledging to donate more than 500 million doses of vaccines until mid-next year.

Von der Leyen highlighted the importance of investing in global pandemic preparedness, to prepare the world for potential health threats in the future and strengthen the resilience of healthcare systems.

Noting that G20 leaders will discuss at the summit how to ensure robust and fair global economic recovery amid the pandemic, rising energy prices and interruption of supply chains, von der Leyen said the EU stands ready to quickly implement the global tax reform, on which G20 leaders are expected to agree at the summit. (IANS)

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